Having issues with my dad and need advice not sure where to ask this. Just ganna make it quick, but there is a lot to the story. Essentially, i (24) owed my dad $50, but i didnt pay him back right away. He got mad and said i shouldve made him priority and bc i didnt i now owe him $200 as a punishment. I feel like this is wrong and it makes me think hes trying to take advantage of me. Im torn between paying him or not. Pls lmk what i should do.

Tl;dr i owed my dad $50, but didnt pay him back right away and as a punishment i owe him $200

  1. Nope, it doesn’t work that way, you didn’t agree to any extortionate fee for late payment before borrowing the money. Pay him back the $50 ASAP, don’t borrow money from him in future. Time for dad to learn you’re too old to be dictated to.

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