I’ve got this friend who is absolutely disgusting when they eat: they put their fingers is the left sauce and suck them, get their mouth dirty but don’t ever use a napkin until it’s too late.
They noticed how disgusted I look when they eat and I have been also trying to tell them but nothing has ever changed.
We have lunch with another friend tomorrow and I really don’t want them to gross Other Friend out. I’ve been thinking of using a rude approach, to just tell them how gross it is to eat like that in public, but then I remembered that I’ve already tried that out to get them to stop sneezing so loudly (when they sneeze it’s so dramatic and loud that the people they are talking with have to stop because they can’t hear eachother): basically one day I told them that they must stop sneezing that hard beach they are a huge distraction and I don’t really need their saliva all over me, I literally screamed at them but they didn’t look upset that I did it in public and their only response was that their father sneezed just like that. Then they continued to sneeze disgustingly.
So, it doesn’t matter if I use a rude or a more subtle approach, they still don’t see the issue in it. I don’t really want to get in an angry fit in front of this other person tomorrow but I also don’t know how much of their toddler attitude I can handle.
I’m sorry if this is not the right sub and for my English.

1 comment
  1. Id never recommend a rude confrontation unless it’s absolutely necessary. Is just go with the “c’mon dude, that’s disgusting, why you do that? You cannot see everyone here try to be careful and have manners and you don’t? If you want is to eat together… Have manners please”. Not yelling and not with other people around. You want them to be better not to ashame them right?

    I’ve met people like this… Why you have to eat with this person often?

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