I’ve been with my girlfriend for about a year and it’s been kind of a rocky relationship. After an argument a month ago, I thought we had broken up and out of loneliness I downloaded tinder, I saw her the next day and we worked things out and she saw tinder on my phone and rightfully flipped out.

We have a mutual friend who we both know and he’s kind of a player. Well my girlfriend and I got into another argument two nights ago but we didn’t break up but she told me to get out of her house it was a heated argument and she had been drinking. Last night we made up and discussed the argument and things were fine, until a few hours later she asked me to grab her phone and I decided to just go though it real quick ( yes I know that’s wrong) anyways I saw that she has been texting this guy for the past week or more just kind of talking and she sent him a message the night she kicked me out of her place she told him she was thinking of him and she asked him to come over around 1am but he didn’t because he had family in town.

I also found out from going through her texts that she ran into him about two weeks ago when she was having a girls night with a friend of hers while I was out of town and hung out with him. I remember that night she told me she stayed at her friends after they were done bar hoping, and left early to drive home. I asked my girlfriend why she was hiding the fact that she ran into this guy from me and she claims nothing happened and she thought it was irrelevant. She also says when she was inviting him over the other night that she was just mad at me and she wasn’t gonna go through with it and she constantly brings up the fact that I had tinder that one time.

She swears up and down that nothing has happened between her and this guy I just can’t get past it. She also says I have no right to talk since I kind of cheated on her by downloading tinder in the past. I never actually met or talked to anybody on tinder I just swiped for an hour and deleted it.

  1. Well know you know why she started a fight and kicked you out (to create a cover story/excuse and opportunity to hook up).

    And you know what lead up to it.

    There are no coincidences. The only reason they didn’t have sex late that night was he was busy.

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