What are some good things about living in a conservative society?

  1. I live in a conservative state, and I truly can’t think of anything as someone who’s female and chronically ill and generally not “normal”/traditional.

  2. I was just going through a very conservative town the other day, and I think, although it’s not good in general, there’s something kind of comforting about conforming to a conservative society. Like if you are the way that society expects you to be, they blindly accept you, which feels validating. The problem is the rigidity, lack of tolerance, and often outright bigotry conservative societies harbor- they don’t have room for differences or diversity of ideas.

  3. That children can grow up not being sexualized or politically/ideologically targeted. And parents are the strongest authority, not the state.

    Let the kids be kids.

  4. They protect their religion. You can argue about how much they really do understand what they believe in, but at least they don’t want to get rid of it at any cost.

  5. Not a conservative state, but a conservative neighborhood within a very liberal city. Crime is virtually unheard of in my neighborhood, but it’s well above the national average elsewhere in the city. Also, vast majority of people I encounter in my neighborhood are friendly, no so much elsewhere.

  6. Conservative places are very comfortable for people who fit the mould. They never have to have their views and preconceived notions challenged. They don’t have to wrestle with new concepts, ideas or moral dilemmas.

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