Does it happen to you, that you watching a TV show, and your family member comes in and just makes a small talk “Hey, what are you watching” and you just can’t pronounce the name of the show, that’s how much you don’t want to speak.

You wish they only asked closed, yes or no questions, so you could just nod your head.

  1. Yes. Especially if they do it all the time and it’s something I actually want to watch and pay attention to.

  2. Yes, I live alone, thank god. But I am so comfortable with being alone, I even don’t feel like seeing my friends anymore.

  3. Dear God yes. Then you are the bad guy because you can’t split your focus because you are so into what you are watching and you have to ask the person to repeat themselves and you can’t help but sound pissed off no matter what your reply was.
    Just leave me alone when I am watching this sporting final that happens one a year or 4 years. Not too much to ask

  4. Not when I’m watching a TV show. No show is that important.

    But there are a few things that I’d like some time to focus on, like playing my violin.

    But with family, kids etc. interruptions are a part of life

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