I just can’t keep my mouth shut for a day, if I had a good day I need someone to tell about it, if I had a bad day I again need someone to tell about it. I am a 22M and I tell my parents almost everything about my life, but again as I can’t share everything with them I talk to my colleagues/classmates (I am still in college) a lot so it’s like everyone around me knows everything about it, they know how how that my love life or Dating life whatever you wanna call is non-existent they know that I am planning to buy this course, they know that I have been offered a internship from xyz. Everyone knowing everything is not something that bothers me, and common I am responsible for it I literally tell everyone everything.
But it hurts me the most when I dispute they start abusing the ones I care about and they start using all the details I gave them to make me feel bad.
This makes me think maybe I should keep my mouth shut. And that’s what I am seeking for in this post.
How do I keep my mouth shut.

And it’s not like I will roam around all day and tell everyone about my life, it’s like on day 1 I will tell person A about my life and on day 2 I if I don’t find person a around I will tell everything to person B , and this ends up making me tell literally everyone everything.

1 comment
  1. Maybe be more selective with the people you share private information. I cannot shut my mouth and I will never try that because is who I am.

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