The weirdest one

  1. I’ve only told two people I liked them. The first one ghosted me 3 months later and the other has been hanging on for 4 years now.

  2. I was in 3rd grade i think, i hand a letter to a friend. it says “would you like to be my girlfriend” a box with a yes, and a box with a no. she ripped the letter and threw it in the trash. i laughed and never spoke to her again cuz i was shy

  3. The weirdest one or the most demented? Well it’s not been reciprocated yet but the worst one was when I wrote her a love letter. I was 15 and a massive fan of Taylor swift for some reason so I wrote her a love letter (if you get the reference you get the reference) and she posted it all over social media and asked out my best friend the next day.

  4. I was told I was a freak because I was nervous and couldn’t get the word out right and for some reason that makes me a freak

  5. Her: I have to go now.

    (10 years later on Facebook)

    Her: obviously I screwed up. What are you up to?

  6. I ignored the guy instead of saying something. It would’ve been weird to say, “I think you’re handsome and you’re the first person you’re attracted to, but I’m scared to date you in case your parents don’t approve of black people.”

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