Does anyone else struggle with obsessing over crushes heavily. I get anxious over almost every little thing and constantly am checking to see if they texted me back. How do I start being healthy and less obsessive

  1. Start loving yourself even half as much as you do your crushes. It’ll be a game changer for sure.

  2. Me too it’s hard!! Getting busy in your personal life is important like focusing on your hobbies, staying present in what you are doing.

    Just knowing that what is made for me will be.

  3. I struggled with the same thing.
    Ik it’s really hard especially if you really like the person. But what I had to do is everytime I caught myself thinking about the person, I would make myself think about something else.
    It’s ok to still like this person but I would try to limit myself with how much time I’m putting into them. Maybe allow yourself to text that person only one time a day. Really try to focus on yourself. Your mental health is more important than any crush.

  4. I agree on finding your inner happiness and peace, but I found even when I knew this, when I was young, I couldn’t help the feeling either. If you are young and experiencing this, I think it is because the feeling is very new and it can take time to adjust to the overwhelming feeling of liking someone.

    I would do what you can to remind yourself they are human too, with flaws, they make mistakes and also act really dumb. Remember these things and be nice to yourself. Make it a habit to continue to prioritize your family, responsibilities and friends and with your spare time you can make space for this new person. Engage with people and things that remind you of your value, and you will see if this crush is meant to be then it will, if not something else will.

  5. Asking them out is the best thing to do. It’s a win win situation. Either they tell you they’re not interested. You’ll know it’s never gonna happen and it will ease your mind,because you wont care anymore if they text you or not. Because you’ll know it means nothing for them.

    The second option is they say yes, you go out and who knows what will happen next.

    No reason to overthink.. just do it. It takes 30 seconds of courage to text them.

    Good luck

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