I (22F) have been seeing this guy (24M) for about two months now. We text each other everyday and go on dates as well. I’ve seen some of his friends and we even went on a trip together. And we are also planning for the next trip.We do things like we are in a relationship. I told him I like him first and he told me back but we were a bit drunk. The thing is he is an exchange student and he’s going back in December. I pretty much like him and want something together but I’m not sure it’s the right thing to talk about this. I’m kinda scared of getting rejected too . I’ve never asked a guy out first but I really like him a lot that sometimes the words gunna spill out of my mouth but I control myself too much. Should I just enjoy the moment and let go everything when he goes back or should I bring up this conversation? Sometimes I’m not sure if he’s also on the same page and I feel like he’s just seeing me just to make some memories for his exchange year.

TL;DR : I like this guy a lot and want to commit but it’s not quite possible due to the possibility of becoming long distance and not sure if he’s on the same page and if I bring it up, I’m scared I will get rejected.

  1. You can be rejected because he doesn’t feel the same way or rejected because he doesn’t want to go long distance or he can say yes to long distance.

    What gives you the impression that he’s just seeing you as a placeholder while he’s here?

    If you know you’d like to continue the relationship, ask him where he sees thing’s going when he goes home?

    Whatever the answer doesn’t change the nice times you had. Not every romance is a forever romance.

  2. Rejection now might hurt, but years of regret at a missed opportunity usually hurts worse. And there’s no point in stressing about long-distance when you haven’t heard his thoughts on the matter.

    If you are too nervous to just spill all your thoughts to him about how you care, pose it as a question. “Have you ever thought about dating me? And if yes, what do you think that would be like?” I recommend smiling when you ask.

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