I am deeply disgusted by people who allow their dog to approach other people’s dog without both parties’ agreements. My dog is the one that is grumpy and easy to catch a fight. A lot of people, here, like to have their dogs interact with each other. I am trying my best to keep my dog away from them but their dogs keep chasing my dog to have the sort of greeting, which in turns would easily result in a fight. I learned many Americans have dogs like I do, so I just wanted to know if you feel comfortable with a stranger’s dog approach your dog with the potential of dog fight? Wouldn’t you feel uncertainly dangerous when two dogs meet up?

  1. If the dogs wanted to fight they’d let everyone know well before we got in sniffing range.

  2. It depends. If they both look like they’re friendly, then I let them greet. If the other one looks dangerous, or if the owner tells me “no”, then I don’t. But normally I let them because dogs greeting each other is a healthy interaction and I don’t want to break that up.

  3. I never allow that. The dog I currently have is very reactive to other dogs so it isn’t safe- if another dog approaches us on a walk we turn and head in the opposite direction. My last dog was dog friendly most of his life, until he was attacked on multiple occasions, but even before he became defensive I didn’t allow him to greet other dogs unless their human said they were friendly, even then I was cautious about it.

  4. Get him a bib that says ‘I’m not friendly’ so the owners know to keep their dog away without you having to have awkward conversations.

  5. No, I’ll pull my dog off to the side and have him sit. He is an asshole and the last thing I want is for him to try and start something

  6. When my dog was friendly with other dogs, I’d say “is your dog friendly with other dogs?” before we were too close. That way even if their dog is friendly, but they don’t want to be bothered, they can just say no.

    She’s not good with other dogs now so I just cross the street.

  7. I never allow this. One of my dogs is good at meeting dogs, my other one isn’t. Regardless I never allow them to get close to random dogs I don’t know. It just isn’t worth the risk.

  8. No, my dog is a rescue dog with anxiety issues. Many other types of dogs and people scare her. I go out of the way to avoid other dogs and people greeting her but still people allow their dogs to run up to her all like, “My dog is friendly.” Which is great but those people have no way of knowing that 1) my dog is friendly as well and 2) my dog does not have anxiety issues about your dog.

    Those owners should have asked first. I see them as irresponsible and disrespectful to my dog and me. Each time I have to explain that yes, she is a rescue dog and your “friendly” dog just triggered her. Lots of people who fancy themselves dog experts seem to miss the plain signs of anxiety coming off my dog as they let their dog bound up to mine.

  9. My dog is friendly, but I keep him on a short leash and don’t randomly greet other dogs while on a walk. Not because I am worried, more because I like to keep moving, and if we greeted every dog it would take an hour to walk a mile.

    Very frustrating are the people using long retractable leashes who pretend they can’t control their dog’s presence or behavior. Not appropriate for a crowded sidewalk.

  10. My dog is unpredictable. She might completely ignore the dog, cry, or lunge. I make an effort to keep her away from approaching dogs. I sometimes think that my pulling on her leash conveys my stress to her, making her stressed and aggressive. I have had rare occasions where she has been friendly and playful, though

  11. Why is this a dilemma? My dog is a 14 year old grouch. Most people ask first, but if anyone just approaches her with their dog, I say, “Oh, I’m sorry, my dog is not good around other dogs.”

    That’s it. They then thank me and leave.

    I don’t see the issue here. Yeah, some people are clueless. Sometimes they’ll say, “Don’t worry! My dog’s friendly” to which I always say, “But mine is not.” It always works and they always take their dogs away. I really don’t care if they think I’m rude–they were rude to approach my dog to begin with, my dog is always on leash and behaved, and I need to protect my dog and other dogs.

  12. Just say, “my dog is not very friendly.”

    I had a grumpy dog, and it was pretty easy to just tell people.

  13. If I want to walk by another dog with no interaction then I put mine on a short leash and position myself in between the two and keep walking

    The other people take the hint

  14. No, my dog was attacked by a much bigger dog when he was a puppy. Leash up your fucking dogs people. He is a tiny chihuahua mix and the dog that attacked him was a larger pit. I had my dog on a leash. The other people let their dog out and just went back inside. They even stated that they knew the dog was agressive towards small dogs and children. They just didn’t care. As a result, he does not do well around other dogs, minus one. I don’t care if your dog is harmless, my dog will either have a full blown panic attack or will lash out.

  15. I try to watch the other person. If they’re calm and approaching normally, I will do the same. If they do something like vere off, I’ll tighten the leash.

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