Context: I (22M) went out with her (28F) for drinks, after we’d been talking via Instagram voice chats for a month. We live in different cities, so it was a while before I was in town to visit family. We didn’t know each other at all, but we had a friend in common and really hit it off on our first date. We snuggled a little on the couch and I went for the kiss. I could tell she wanted longer but I pulled away after a few seconds to leave her with something to think about. She wanted to see me again, so this weekend we are meeting up for dinner. My question is, when I pick her up, should I just give her a hug? Or would it be okay to greet her with a kiss? That’s how we ended things on the first date, and it would be nice to set the tone for the date right off the bat. But maybe it’s too much, and I have to build up to it over the course of the night again, like I did the first time. Thoughts?

  1. Greet her with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. If you made out at the end of the first date maybe even a small kiss on the lips. But I wouldn’t go for the full on make out off the bat

  2. I wouldn’t kiss someone on greeting until I’d at least slept with them, possibly more.

    It’s one thing to warm to someone over an evening and kiss at the end, it’s another to do it cold.

  3. There are so many factors that actually go into this decision.

    How are you meeting? Will you meet her at her door, or will she meet your car at the curb?

    It’s one thing to give a hug, another to wave someone down, park, unbuckle your seatbelt, get out of the car, then approach them.

    So basically, what I’m saying is that it’s not going to go as you expect so you should have no expectations, just hopes. If it feels right to give her a kiss, then it’s probably fine. But if you are at all hesitant, keep it chaste and continue to learn about her as a person, not a conquest.

    Being too bold on a second date is a thing, so I’d err towards making sure it’s clear you like her in other, less loaded ways for a bit before going in for more kisses.

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