How do you respond if your current S/O asks about your sexual acts with prior partners?

  1. I’ve been married twice (11 years and now 15 years) and this has never come up.

    I would ask why they want to know.

  2. Depends on the specific context and conversation. I don’t think my current partner has ever asked about anything specific other than the two of us just discussing our sexual boundaries and limits and our experiences/understanding of consent and privacy. We don’t discuss anything specific about our sex lives prior to getting together beyond wanting to know each other’s preferences, boundaries, and traumatic triggers to make our sex life together the most enjoyable we can for each other. We respect each other’s privacy and don’t expect to hear the intimate details of each other’s prior relationships and sex lives.

  3. Had this come up while I was married I
    Was just honest with him best way to go about things

  4. Depends on why he wants to know. He has a pretty good idea of what I’ve done. If it was a question of “I want to do xyz? What is your prior experience with it and how comfortable are you with experimenting?” I would answer truthfully. We’ve been together 15 years, he doesn’t have a nefarious cell in his body. If he asked me a question about prior sex acts I would most likely answer.

  5. Answer them honestly. My partner can know if he wants to. It’s a red flag if he judges me for it though.

  6. My husband and I know each others history, but its not like we pressure each other and demand answers.

  7. We discuss it as in “have you done this before?” “Do you like this” because we communicate fully about sex so we both have the best time. We don’t go into the who, what, when and where

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