States like Georgia,Texas and Connecticut are barely ever mentioned in the movies or tv shows involving the elite.Are these places considered to be poor?

  1. There are wealthy people in every State. Maryland has one of the top wealthiest counties in the country.

  2. There are wealthy people in every state but you do find higher concentrations of wealthy people in wealthier states like NY & CA. Mississippi is the poorest state but there’s still over 47k millionaire households. Some of it is the result of certain states just having lower populations- Wyoming has the fewest millionaire households, and some of it is due to the location of high paying industries- California has the highest number of millionaire households.

  3. The wealthiest people don’t live in NYC or California.

    Bill Gates and Bezos live in Washington.
    Musk lives in Texas.
    Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger live in Nebraska.
    The Walton family lives In Arkansas.

    I know a few billionaires. Some of them are in NoCal, but the red are scattered.

  4. Is this a misconception created by Hollywood? I disagree. Connecticut has stuff like Gilmore Girls or the Stepford Wives, and lots of jokes about being rich in shows like 30 Rock. Texas has an entire stereotype about rich oil barons like the one Charlie pretends to be more than once in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

  5. I think it’s also worth mentioning that a lot of script writers are from or live in California and New York. They are also both iconic places recognized around the world so a lot of movies and TV are set in those states rather than Delaware or Connecticut which are both wealthy places.

    Even Texas gets short shrift because it’s more iconic for rugged cowboy types not posh rich people so movies depict more rural working class folks in Texas not wealthy business moguls.

  6. No. Jacqueline Mars is the wealthiest resident of Virginia, and she has a net worth of over $30 billion dollars.

  7. They log e everywhere. There are definitely a lot of them in those two cities, as they extremely expensive to live in. But there are plenty of regular people who manage to make ends meet in those cities as well. As far as Texas, Georgia and Connecticut…. There are LOTS of wrathful people there. This is mentioned in plenty of movies and TV shows.

  8. Most states have at least one billionaire.

    The states you mention are not poor. Connecticut is the sixth-wealthiest state by median household income, just behind California, while Texas and Georgia are near the middle.

  9. Warren Buffet famously lives in a modest home in Omaha, NE. Charles Koch lives in Wichita, KS (but owns vacation homes in CA and CO). I assume Musk lives in TX. (Are you unfamiliar with the TV show “Dallas”?). I assume Gates and Bezos still live in WA, though they probably own other homes.

  10. There are wealthy people everywhere. Your Connecticut comment is strange to me though, we’re like known for being rich lol it’s about the only thing other people know about us. We have some of the wealthiest towns and cities in the country and we subsidize other states. We give more to the federal government than we receive back, we are a donor state. Depending on the year we are actually the top donor state.

  11. Super wealthy are all over. Hell even in Michigan we have the Ford family, the Meijer Brothers, and Dan Gilbert to name a few.

  12. Georgia has quite a few very wealthy people because of sports and because of the businesses that are headquartered here: Bernard Marcus (Home Depot), Arthur Blank (the Falcons), the Cathey family (Chick Fil A), Ted Turner (cable TV/movies), Tyler Perry (movie/tv production), etc.

    Texas also has wealthy sports figures and a lot of oil money: Michael Dell (Dell Computers), Jerry Jones (the Dallas Cowboys), the Hunt family (oil), the Perot family (computers and oil), the founder of Tito’s Vodka, etc.

  13. Texas is one of the wealthiest states in the country, second only to California.

    Connecticut is the home of Greenwich, CT, one of the most elite towns in the US, filled with hedge fund managers.

    Georgia is kind of poor, but it is also home to Coca-Cola, Delta Airlines, and UPS. Atlanta is considered a great world city, and Atlanta Airport is one of the busiest airports in the US.

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