I have known her (will call her R) for only 2 months and met R in a young adult group that me and another friend were invited to. Me and my friend have been getting to know this group as much as possible and have really enjoyed our time with them. Although I really love to know everyone in this group and grow my friendships with them more, R has really stuck out to me as someone I would be intrested in a more romantic relationship with. We’ve talked and have some things in common, I’ve noticed her laugh at my jokes even when I knew they weren’t funny, and she doesnt seem uncomfortable around me. Despite all of this, its hard to tell if she would even be intrested in going out on a date with me as all I’ve done is treat her like I have with everyone else in the group as to not make her or anyone else in the group feel uncomfortable. I honestly doubt she even has a crush on me as she has been friendly with me and hasn’t shown any signs of flirting towards me, but that doesn’t necessarily mean she wouldn’t want to go on a date with me if I asked right? My question is if I should hold off on asking her until I get to know her a little longer, or if I should just rip the band aid off and ask her out and if I do how should I go about it?

1 comment
  1. If you feel you should get to know her a little better maybe is the correct answer.

    You can also propose to do something outside the group, no necessarily you both only but a few people and have the chance to get a bit closer.

    You can also drop your number to her or your insta or a way to show yourself available but let her choose if she wanna go further. “This is my number in case you wanna chat or just share cat memes” (say something funny, no being too serious)

    I think you are being very considerate here, reading the room and avoiding making her feel pressured or uncomfortable. Well done OP.

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