Adult men, what would you advise male teens who will turn 18 in several months?

  1. Focus on yourself and make money. Women will come later, should you want them

    Also invest when you can. I wish I had invested 10 years ago. Also don’t have paper hands

  2. Don’t rush into a relationship. If it doesn’t feel 100% right, skip it. There’s no rush.

    Best of luck. You’ll do fine.

  3. You are only just beginning to discover who you are. Don’t waste time trying to be anything. Just pay attention to what genuinely makes you happy and go after it relentlessly.

  4. 10% invested. Not just in the bank. Invested. And for gods sake not in nfts or crypto. Compound interest is a fucking miracle but you have to start young. Roth IRA is best

  5. This is the time to develop strong habits–in fitness, finances, friendships. Establishing good habits now will pay great dividends further down the line.

  6. Keep your word. Do what you say, so when you speak people listen intently. Say what you do, so you can get the credit and recognition you deserve. You are also going to be told “pick your battles, kiss some ass to get ahead”. Its bullshit. People who say that just want their asses kissed.

  7. If you can afford a bachelor’s degree, do it. Pick tech or business. Not art or gender studies.

    Go to the gym.

    Work harder you lazy bum. Quit slacking.

    Say yes to everything that you can.

    Learn a second language well.

    Dress better. Find notable figures who look sharp, try their styles. Button shirts are a yes. Get the waist tailored.

    If you can’t figure out a job you’ll love, pick one that pays well that you can tolerate and stick it out Until you figure something better.

  8. Adding to the great comments that are already here, I would say this:

    1. Figure out what excites you;
    2. Figure out what you are naturally good at;
    3. Figure out what you are bad at.

    Try many jobs, activities, things to gauge yourself. The earlier you figure out 1 and 2, the earlier you can devote your life to the things that you enjoy doing and can succeed in doing it. Then you can reach success sooner.

    For 3, you can try doing it but you may find other people who do it better, which may lead to disappointment. These are the things that you may want to get help from others eventually (e.g., if you are in business, hire or partner with someone).

    Have a good life ahead!

  9. Don’t forget to have fun and enjoy the present. Too many people focus on the future too much and forget to live in the present. You need to make good memories and funny anecdotes for when you’re older

  10. Don’t sign up for credit cards or predatory loans. I watched my older siblings and many of my peers do just that. Now they are all trapped in debt chains that other people convinced them to put on.

  11. Don’t YOLO savings into random, bleeding edge investments that you can’t quite figure out what it even is. Unless you’re me in 2010 hearing about BitCoin, then ABSOLUTELY DO THAT.

  12. Work at a job you love and don’t worry about the money because you love what you do or work at a job that’s tolerable but it affords you to do what you love.

  13. 1 ) focus on college or vocational training
    2) work as hard as you possibly can – push your self to the limit and keep stretching those limits
    3) do you job and learn your managers job also
    4) identify a mentor
    5) it is ok to kiss ass once in a while if it helps you get the job done
    6) self promotion is ok
    7) learn to relax and have fun , relax & travel
    8) avoid marriage till you 28/29
    9) make good friends , friends you make next 4 years are forever
    10) don’t ask strangers on the internet for advise ! 😁 make your own mistakes and have fun conquering the world ! Cheers & good luck !

  14. If you don’t have a solid idea of what you wanna do. Don’t rack up debt just to fake it till you make it. You can do that in a trade or certification. Avoid the big universities unless you absolutely know your course of focus/action/study.

  15. Don’t get into hard drugs or drinking everyday. I just turned 30 and could have been where I’m at now 5 years ago if I didn’t fuck around so much.

  16. Spend some down time to learn about money and finance tailored to own situation.
    Being financially prepared will save you down the road.

  17. Have fun and don’t worry what anyone thinks about you. Everyone at that age is so self conscious that they’ll forget 99% of the things you do or say. Find out who you are and what your values are before you start getting warped by society and the need for a career/money.

  18. Wear a condom. Fuck what she’s says about birth control. Protect yourself. Porn is not real sex. You don’t have to do that to be good in bed. Learn from a real loving woman, not a website. Love hard and know it’s ok to let go. You will fail. A lot. Just focus on getting back up rather than the fall itself. Always be Learning. Set boundaries and goals but never give them up for anyone. Don’t lie to yourself. Always be kind. Do what makes you happy in life. You only get one shot at this life. Take every opportunity you get and you’ll never wonder what if. Fear is healthy. Courage is just taking one step farther than you thought you could. Bravery is every step taken after that. Be proud of yourself. Never give up. You are special don’t envy or compare cause it’s never really greener on that lawn. Save some money. Work hard and play harder. Love every moment like it’s your last and capture every second. Eat ass.

  19. If you have a job, start a 401k or Roth IRA and put 10% in it every paycheck forever. Your future self will thank you past self. trust me.

  20. Take care of yourself physically and mentally. Take time and let injuries heal. Save for retirement. Find a passion. Wear a condom. Travel. Have a night so epic that you and your friends will be talking about it 30 years from now. Be in the moment. Be open and honest about your feelings. Tell people you care about them. Call your parents.

  21. Get a job and save 70% maybe 80% of what you make and put into a high interest saving account it’ll get you used to having no cash and I’ll be a good start in some property in the future

  22. Look after your health as best as you can. That doesn’t mean going to the gym all the time. It can be taking up a sport, and trying it out for a while.

    Either way, start stretching on a regular basis. This will pay off when you get older.

    Learn how to lift things correctly. Even if I’m just picking up the shopping, I try to practice correct lifting techniques.

    Drink water, and find hobbies, or things you like doing.

  23. Learn to identify toxic people in your life and those that want to hold you back from your goals. Even if they are “friends” or family sometimes they are subconsciously restraining you out of fear of losing you.

    Understand that no one is here to give you anything, teach you anything or provide for you. You must get all these things on your own.

    Find a good mentor or role model if you dont have one. Life is tough, life is expensive. You need to find a career that will allow you to cover the costs of living such as rent, healthcare and saving for retirement. Find a career that does not have a salary cap or a limited line of growth.

    If you don’t know the path forward or have someone to guide you the military is not a bad option. Lots of opportunities, life lessons and you will certainly learn what you are capable of. Also, military experience never looks bad on a resume.

  24. Stay single until you are content in your life ( get all your toys now cuz it harder to get them when your married), get into a trade ( make $50k/ yr 1 st year, little debt), start saving for retirement.
    So, start work early in life, reward yourself, find a good partner, make an early exit from the workforce and enjoy your life.

  25. College is not for everyone. Either go in with a plan or hold off and learn a marketable skill.

  26. Go to college or trade school. Don’t “take a break” and start working a job as an escape from school. You will find yourself working a dead end job for years if you fall into that trap. Build credit by opening a student credit card or secured credit card and make your payments on time and never max it out. Always wear a condom

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