I started anal training for my boyfriend with a toy around a week ago and have worked on it 4 times in the week… ever since the first time I’ve been encountering this issue and I don’t like it.

Every. Single. Laugh. Or cough. I fart. It’s driving me nuts, it’s embarrassing when in public.

How do I stop this or when will it ware off?

Edit: I’m glad everyone is getting a nice laugh – that was kind of the point so my post didn’t get lost here. I’ll figure it out, thanks y’all!

  1. Seems like there is to much air inside you.

    You don’t need to pull out the toy every time. Leave it i sides that’s enough training.
    Every time you pull it out you suck some air into you. If you push the toy back in your press all this air deep inside you.

  2. Could attack it from a different angle.
    Maybe Bean-No or some other digestive catalyst? Could reduce the amount of gas being produced.

    Other than that, I dunno, maybe just an “oops, excuse me” and a chuckle if it happens. Farts happen.

  3. I think its air also the new “openess” I find if I do a bunch of anal give head and gag I’ll fart its not funny so I try not to do both activities lol

  4. When you fart like that, it means that you are ready for a bigger sized butt plug or toy!! Your choice.

  5. Imma have to stop you right there ma’am or sir. Do not -I repeat- DO NOT start or do something only “for” your significant other. You have to be into it to. It’s your body. You have to want it and if you don’t then they need to deal with it. Sex is a mutual thing! It needs not only mutual consent but ENTHUSIASM towards said thing.

    Ignore me if I’m reading too into this.

  6. Just stop. You don’t want to ‘also shit’ every next time you cough, laugh for the rest of your life.

  7. Maybe you pushing air into your ass when you training it. So the air gets trapped and then escape when it can during laughter and coughing.

  8. Yep, this is normal and goes away. I get it for days after anal as my butt just isn’t as tight as normal. So ‘air’ tends to escape very easily.

  9. It’s normal that some air gets trapped in… But several days of farting seems too much😂 funny as hell though

  10. 😂😂 I should not be laughing but I could not help it. I think you should figure out what happens when you fart. It seems to me that a hole can’t close or doesn’t have enough grip, but I deny that, because many women do gaping and take in big things like an arm 😄 I don’t know how they control themselves when they sneeze or cough maybe there is a way. What about Pornstars? Maybe there is some way. So I will advice you to stop doing that for a while, then see if it continues, Maybe have some sex without practicing to prepare (I don’t if it can work) and see a Doctor.

  11. I have this same problem. Recently started exploring anal with my partner (he’s big and fucks me hard). So afterwards, for a couple days I’m more “gassy” than usual but it’s just because it’s harder to hold in. I think it’s hilarious. The consequences are worth the fun times

  12. I’m sorry but that is fucking hilarious, made me spit my red bull out🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  13. Old sex shop worker here. this shouldn’t really be happening if you’re doing the after care ( side note your not really farting. air your body produces and air being trapped are two different things.) So make sure you push that air out during and after ever exercise. And you have to understand you can’t make your muscles flex without also working on them so kegels would probably help this coughing issue you’re experiencing. If you do decide to stop the exercise and if you truly want to do anal opt for numbing cream you can get it at any sex shop. TELL THEM YOU ARE A BEGINNER! if you get anything over a 50 numbness you can and will tear.

  14. Air is getting trapped inside. You can probably start using a bigger toy and take longer breaks in between your training. It’s a little embarrassing at first, but eventually all the air will come out.

  15. I think you’re doing something wrong, I stretch my ass pretty regularly with 4″ wide toys and it’s usually back to normal after the first day

  16. Hi, sex educator/sex worker here. Couple things:

    1) as mentioned, you could be pushing air up inside you on insertion, esp if the toys you’re using are curved or you’re doing it at an angle, or if you’re pulling them all the way out and back in repeatedly. some good techniques for training are to simply insert and wear, to sort of press and release the tip of the toy right against your opening repeatedly, almost bobbing it in but not inserting it enough to pass the sphincter, or wearing a toy and gently tugging downward on it a few times to massage the sphincter from the inside.

    2) are you doing enemas when you’re training? that can be a huge source of air up inside that may not find its way out until later. i have a fairly extensive article about enemas for anal play here: https://spectrumboutique.com/journal/article/so-you-want-to-wash-your-ass/

    3) use plenty of lube – water based with silicone toys, silicone with glass or metal toys. southern butter makes a great aftercare balm for once you do get around to fucking. I really, really do not recommend numbing cream. Your asshole has the second highest concentration of nerve endings in your entire body and they’re there for reasons. Those nerve ending allow for a great deal of pleasure during your warm up to anal play as well as during penetration, which you’d miss out on by numbing it, and, if you’re in pain, it means something is wrong – going to fast, not enough lube, not relaxed enough, whatever – and you need to know so you can adjust. Anal sex should never be painful if you’re doing it properly, pain is your body’s way of telling you something is off and you can hurt yourself more by numbing it. Pjur makes a silicone lube with some jojoba in it which is *relaxing* not numbing, which is a great option for sex. Practicing anal sex well and caring for your muscles and mucous membranes shouldn’t lead to any long term problems – using lube, going at your own pace, and exercising your muscles so you’re able to both contract and relax them as needed will serve you well. Pleasurable, consensual, responsible anal isn’t the same as anal trauma and shouldn’t harm you.

    Happy fucking.

  17. I’m sure there’s good advice here, so hopefully you can figure things out. But please do be careful. If it feels good, go for it… But there is a greater risk of injuries, so just take care of yourself.

    I’m glad you affirmed that you’re doing this because you want to. I was previously doing anal because I just wanted to explore and try different things. But even being open minded… Anal just never brought me physical pleasure. I think some women like it, but if it turns out you’re not one of those people, don’t push yourself (and your asshole) to do things just for your bf.

    [Anal Can Be Risky](https://amp.theguardian.com/society/2022/aug/11/rise-in-popularity-of-anal-sex-has-led-to-health-problems-for-women)

  18. Mmmm this is a tricky one. I’ve known women who do anal a lot suffer from anal seepage. Yep, you read that right. Every time they cough, or sneeze they shit themselves a little bit. Sounds like you may be in your way to that.

    I’ve worked in porn and if there is one thing porn doesn’t show you, it’s the long term side effects of anal sex on women. Take it slow.

  19. Is it possible you’ve changed your gut bacteria if you washed yourself out up there as part of that? Or the lube (what did you use? Coconut oil?) did something to it? For the record, people with IBS are generally advised not to do anal play because it can make their stomachs more mad at them than they usually are. Also, speaking from more personal experience than I’d like, anal training can definitely undermine one’s ability to keep farts under control. After a few weeks to months of no play though it should come back just fine though. Lol. Sorry, at least you’re a good sport about it. Good luck!

  20. As a gay man who is versatile (i can top or bottom idc) if my bf hits it for a while at a certain angle ill wake up and fart like 5 massive farts over an hour and then be good so its likely like that, and the laugh actually uses abdominal muscles, so its pushing the air out

  21. When you’re anal training, it sounds like you might be moving fairly quick, which forces a lot of air into the colon, which in turn has to come out sometime.

    I would suggest moving your toy slowly, or, as in with a butt plug, not moving it at all once it’s inserted.

  22. It is gas, check your stores for products that break up the gas to reduce burps and farts. Hell, if you were giving me anal you could fart all you wanted…lol

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