This feels so freaking dumb because it was such a short dating period, but it was one intense month. He swept me off my feet and we got along so well. In the beginning, he said he was looking for a relationship and when we met it just clicked. He was super into me and I was super into him. It ended yesterday because he decided to move back to Canada next year to reunite with his family. I live in Europe, so obviously it would never work out. We had a long talk over coffee and he basically said that he realized he couldn’t date anyone right now because he didn’t want to risk his Canada plans. It freaking sucks because we both said we would have 100% fallen in love if we kept dating or even seeing each other as friends.

I seriously feel heartbroken?? I’ve been crying since yesterday. I’ve never felt this sad about someone I’ve only known for a few weeks.

  1. Yeah, this is why giving each other way too much boyfriend / girlfriend energy this early on in the dating process is a bad idea. It sounds like this guy did way too damn much so early on, which is stupid, especially him knowing he’d be taking off to Canada in one month.

    Sorry you had to deal with a man who has no common sense, OP.

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