What made you quit porn?

  1. It really became a problem! I dedicate way too much time to it! I was starting to spend money on it, I was getting into material I wasn’t even into, I was thinking about when I Could use it again right after I finished using it. It was affecting my relationships! Even the ones that weren’t intimate. I was choosing porn over sex, it greatly added to my sex anxiety and led to ED.

    Since quitting, I’ve lost weight, I feel so much better mentally and physically, my sex life is incredible! Every orgasm is my best orgasm! My relationships have improved. My erections are incredible! I have very short recovery time! My energy levels are higher, my confidence is through the roof!

    We’re so much better with out it! Quitting was one of the best things I’ve ever done.

  2. The realisation that you are watching 2 people fuck instead of fucking yourself and that you should feel like a pathetic loser every time you even get on that site. Idk about you broskis but since I put that in my head, porn has not even been in my head since. Its been 3 yrs and Im 18 so if I can do it so can u

  3. Meeting my girlfriend, for whom porn use was a dealbreaker, was the initial reason. Over time as I got older I started to see the downsides to the porn industry and now see how much harm it’s responsible for, including perpetuating unhealthy and unrealistic attitudes towards sex among the general public (and especially youth), body image issues in both men and women, promoting misogynistic attitudes, relying heavily on the exploitation of women whom are often young, at-risk and lacking other options and preying upon young men who are *statistically* showing an increase in porn addiction and porn-induced ED. Call me a prude, but I think there’s something deeply wrong when an 18 year old fresh out of high school starting an onlyfans and spreading her asshole for coomers to “get that bag” is glorified as empowering.

    Even if, God forbid, I ever found myself single again there’s no way I would ever go back to porn use. My libido and attitudes towards sex improved dramatically after quitting.

  4. Still trying. Though it’s getting to the point where it feels like a waste of time, and really it’s all about the same when you look at it.

  5. In all honestly it just gets boring after a while, watching two people fuck each other seems a bit weird doesn’t it?

  6. I will never quit porn. Im going to be watching it on my death bed and will have a naked Hentai tentacle scene statue for my grave stone.

  7. Honestly been thinking of quitting it. My libido is just gone and I’m tired and I’ve started to gain weight. It’ll be hard 😉 but I know it’s worth it

  8. Long hours. Shitty scripts. A cameraman who couldn’t even follow focus. A sound guy who fell asleep. And actors who needed more CGI than a marvel movie to look human.

  9. Just bored and it’s not that nice anymore , i can look at a million naked bodies and i wouldn’t be effected if i didn’t want to

  10. I’m trying to quit right now. Porn is ruining my perspective of sex and it’s starting to mess up my sex life with my girlfriend.

  11. I had a serious time-wasting problem with it. I started my new job and dedicated more time to my hobbies and spending time with my girlfriend. Worked absolute wonders

  12. Woman here – had an issue with porn for years. Learning more about human and sex trafficking helped me quit.
    https://fightthenewdrug.org/ is also a legit, non religious site that I came across on Instagram a couple of years ago. Putting things into perspective about the people on the screen, realizing I was objectifying other human beings, learning more truths about the industry and how we’ve been fed this lie that it’s no big deal and everyone is having a good time and they’re treated well – all of these things culminated into a decision to quit and I have not looked back. Been tempted to, but haven’t.

    You guys can do it! It’ll do nothing but improve your life I’d you quit. Switch to push-ups every time you feel the urge to open it up on your phone or laptop. Get outside, start running and working out, change other habits to back up this change and your life will be better.

    Lots of love!

  13. Nothing yet, but somethign will. I enjoy it and don’t consider it a problem myself. However, my girlfriend heavily dislikes any use of porn and we agreed that I’d stop once we live together and can have sex routinely.

    The way she convinced me was “if you’re horny I’d rather you just fuck me than jerk off over other women.”

  14. I’ve been trying for awhile and doing NNN but failing for the past few years. Longest streak I’ve been on in 4 years is about 45 days. Here we are again in November and I’m at 26 days and feeling pretty good. My reason(s) for quitting porn are:

    -tired of the post nut clarity despair feeling

    -hate cleaning up after myself and having a to see a pile of tissues in the trash can in my room.

    -lack of sex drive

    -huge time sink. I’d spend maybe 45 minutes before bed watching. Wouldn’t get to bed until 12:30/1 and then would wake up for work at 6 feeling like shit

  15. Realizing all the toxic effects involved in production and consumption.

    I used a ton of porn throughout my 20s and 30s. I met my wife, and we explored porn together, looking for ways to explore our sexuality.

    Hearing her perspective on everything really changed my point of view. Here was a non-prude, looking at porn with me, pointing out all the shit i didn’t notice before. The gallons of lube, when she’s probably in pain, the relentless focus on male pleasure, the fake woman’s pleasure to please the man.

    Old ugly men with women half their age. Over and over again.

    We had to sift through a mountain of shit to even find the porn where both actors were similarly attractive and attentive to each others needs.

    It was my wife’s idea to go to the strip club with me. It was my wife’s idea to go to the porn convention when it was in town, see the porn stars, and attend the speaking events about sexuality. I vividly remember seeing Jenna Haze (my early 2000s favorite) looking exhausted, sitting there rubbing her feet when she took her heels off for a minute. She looked good, but sooo tired. Why did she retire? It must not have been much fun, after all. She didn’t look the least bit happy to talk to any of those fans, face stretched in a fake smile.

    In the end, it all fell dramatically short of our expectations in how it could be fun to explore as a couple, because the fun stuff is surrounded by toxic suffering, every step of the way.

    I gradually consumed less and less porn without effort… one you can notice the ladies suffering, it stops being erotic.

    One morning, my wife and I had sex. She came, I came, and she was still horny, so I pulled out the vibrator and got her off again. I started getting hard again, but she had to jump in the shower, so I went to rub one out real quick. My wife walked in on me jerking off to something. I wasn’t keeping secrets or breaking any agreements. I could see the hurt in her face. I haven’t watched a minute of it since.

  16. Main one. Why contribute to an industry that is making generations of men bad in bed, or not able to perform at all. Some men act like A.I. pornbots.

    Porn is not sex. Its something ELSE. Also, I don’t want to waste away my time (or dull my pleasure receptors) being a witness to some mechanically skilled masterbating with another body,

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