Obviously responses to this question will be in English, but I’m curious if you use it the most on the internet, or which websites you use English on as opposed to another language. I would also be interested to hear from people that use another language besides English and your native language on the internet.

  1. English.

    Anytime on my computer or my phone must be in English.

    The alternative would be French, but that language takes so much space it’s unwieldy.

  2. I use English most, followed by Italian.

    Spanish and French a little, but mostly just for reading…I rarely write in those two languages.

  3. I use places like this to practice my English writing and keep up with slang. For things like shopping or reading the news I use German.

  4. English by a large margin. It’s not just browsing, all my devices are set to English.

    > I would also be interested to hear from people that use another language besides English and your native language on the internet.

    I commonly read stuff in Danish and Norwegian. Also use Spanish every now and then.

  5. English for the most part, Latvian for some local media and occasionally Russian for car related questions, much higher chance on finding an answer there than in English

  6. English and French. Sometimes Spanish or Portuguese if in a spanish- or portuguese-speaking space.

  7. English with only few exceptions on social media when I use Alemannic (aka. Swiss German).

    For texting it’s exclusively in Alemannic though, unless the other person doesn’t understand Alemannic, then it’s also English.

  8. English because of practice. In the past I did everything in Polish and I decided to find English alternatives for everything to learn the language in a “passive way”.

  9. Totally depends. On Reddit or Imgur nearly always in English.
    On irc or Facebook, primary Dutch.

  10. I use primarily English, but my native language is Finnish and I use that a lot of too. I mostly use reddit and fb, in reddit I write 95% in English, the rest in Finnish and in fb I use a lot of Finnish, but I’m most active in some international groups so I use a lot of English too.

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