So I (23F) have a boyfriend (26M) for 5 years that sleeps any time we get into a bad argument. Literally, will just shut down stop doing whatever he is doing and go to sleep.

It actually really pisses me off because it makes it seem like the repair of our relationship is not a priority. He just goes to sleep for God knows how long. I have never actually allowed it to run its full course, but he often will wake up like nothing happened. Once, he (not intentionally) ignored me for an entire night and I got so mad at him that I took away the cord for his Xbox. He still did not act like anything was wrong until like 2 hours after we woke up the NEXT MORNING! I was positively fuming.

We haven’t had a lot of issues really in a while. I’m settling into my career and he has a job that doesn’t take too much of his time and energy. Well I’ve been extremely bored in the relationship lately. He just wants to play video games and hates going out to do anything. I get so bored just sitting there. I mean, I will do my own thing and I like video games, but I don’t like them to be every part of every day. We have had multiple relationships about this multiple times and I brought up this past weekend that our relationship wasn’t going to last because it is boring.

Well today I told him I was bored and I wanted to do something with him. He got irritated with me because I had said I was bored before but nothing really came out of it. He previously asked what I wanted to do and I said okay a fun game. No response. So when I said I was again he said “DO SOMETHING THEN”. I said I wanted to do something with him. He said rudely that I never answered the question before, which is somewhat true, but he hates playing Mario games and these are the games I like best. He then got mad at me once again because I didn’t instantly set up the game…? He didn’t even respond. Anyways, at this point I was so annoyed I didn’t even care to play the game anymore together. I said to him that “this relationship is f*cking boring and I hate being in it”. He said a small response like “ok” then turned off his game and is now sleeping. WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING!?

We are planning a big move, but sometimes I wonder if it’s really worth it. There really is nothing to do around us, but I’m fine going for a walk or window shopping or going on a picnic. He doesn’t want to do any of that because he thinks there aren’t any pretty sights to see, or like to look at things when we aren’t buying anything.

I guess my main question is why the actual f*ck does he just sleep when an issue comes up? It makes me so mad and I don’t understand it.

TL;DR Told my boyfriend that our relationship is boring and hate being in it, so he just went to sleep. It’s this normal to cope or wtf is this!? It’s infuriating.

1 comment
  1. You got together really young, have been together a long time. You’ve changed. You want to do stuff, he doesn’t. You are getting more & more agitated (and I’m not saying that I wouldn’t be upset at a relationship that consisted of nothing more than gaming) and kind of toxic towards him, and he is checking out by sleeping. We do outgrow relationships sometimes & it’s OK to not keep bashing our heads against the wall of a non-fixable situation.

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