Exercise is one of the best things you can do for your mental and physical health, what are some other things most people don’t normally think to try that actually improve physical/mental health?

  1. Get outside with some regularity. Doesn’t necessarily have to be every day but a few times a week for an hour or more. Sunlight and fresh air are good for the soul.

  2. Quiet time.

    Just stopping and taking a breather: reading a book, listening to music, just lying down and relaxing.

  3. Do nothing. I mean, absolutely nothing. Alone, quiet, nothing. Everyday for at least a few minutes.

  4. Eating right, especially in a world where a burrito is a 5 minute from your house drive away.

    Getting a hobby that we enjoy and can potentially challenge you, even something as simple as a puzzle (simple is a relative term, I’ve seen some where the picture on the box doesn’t match what you’re putting together and the pieces fit more than one other piece)

    Doing something that benefits someone other than yourself. Volunteering at a homeless shelter, food kitchen, church, cleaning up a park/reserve, just doing something that actually gives back

  5. Take probiotics for gut health. Your gut microorganisms are like a second brain and power a truly wild array of body functions.

  6. Getting sunlight *everywhere* I like to play nudey roulette with my neighbour to see if today is the day I’m getting caught while I melt into the ground like a cheesey fondue.

  7. Getting enough sleep, having sex, eating healthy (not just things you like), mindfulness (a kind of mental exercise), being out and about in nature, having moments of minimal external stimuli (like being alone in a dark, silent room and just existing for a while. Doesn’t need to go to that extreme, reading a book might work too as long as that’s your only external input.
    Thats a few from the top of my head at least.

  8. Make life harder. I like to park far away when going to the store to get a little extra walk in. Then I use the manual door instead of the automatic one when possible. At work I count my drawer in my head instead of using a calculator. Just small stuff like that, might not be a huge difference, but makes me happy.

  9. Having a dog to go for walks or hikes or meetup groups with is good. Sometimes they give you no other choice but to go outside, even when you are feeling blue. Dogs are just awesome, too. I love my dog, and my dog loves me, no matter what.

  10. I heard Andrew Huberman say something like good nutrition, good sleep, consistent exercise social connections and outdoor light in the mornings as the formula for health. Pretty good list I’d say

  11. Learning how to meditate.
    Drinking lots of water.
    Being daily outside.
    Go to bed and (especially) wake up daily at the same time.
    Daily a moment of really contact with someone.
    Creatine 5 mg/day icw powertraining.
    Psychotherapy to know, let support and train yourself.
    Good music, book, art, what touches your soul and makes you connect again with the world around you.
    Develop through the years your own values and, therefore, your goals in your life.

  12. Eliminating toxic people out of your life. Developing a routine. Learning to cook for yourself. Doing any type of volunteer work relevant to something meaningful to you.

  13. Sleep. I guarantee you lack of sleep contributes to a whole host of health problems for people these days

  14. Happiness is result reliant, joy is regardless of outcome. Find the things that bring you joy in this world. Everything after that will improve. Laughing with your friends, helping a friend in need, taking walks alone, sitting in the morning sun, dancing, pushing your self in your favorite sport or at work. What ever you do don’t forget to enjoy every moment of it.

  15. Saunas & Steam rooms

    Find a gym with access to them, I go 4 times a week & most of my gym going friends gave me funny looks until they tried it themselves. Now we go to the gym + sauna every day at 6:30 before work.

    It’s excellent for muscle recovery, skin care, stress & anxiety, can help with weight loss & taking a cold shower directly after it makes you feel like the man (or women).

    Your body will also be demanding Water afterwards & you’ll be forced to stay hydrated (another important thing for the body).

    If you can go with a friend, I highly recommend it as I personally look forward to every morning as me + the boys box for a bit, lift weight & chat just random stuff in the steam room, creating memories & starting the day off well.

  16. Conscious breathing. I don’t like calling it meditation because that makes me feel like I’m ‘doing a thing’ if that makes sense.

    But I try to take a 5 minute break everyday to just concentrate on my breathing and sort of recenters me for the rest of the day. Sometimes it doesn’t do anything if I’m super busy or can’t get into the proper headspace but I think it’s still a useful thing to do for your mental health.

  17. Take Vitamin D, 5000iu or more every day. Low vitamin D is a known cause of depression and why chance it? There are no bad effects to supplementing it, and many studies showing that having good levels of the vitamin has real health benefits.

  18. As a depression survivor. I heavily encourage you to get outdoors, turn off your phone and experience reality. Feel the grass, notice the sun shining through the leaves of that tree, observe the ducks swimming in the pond. Trust me!

    Also find a hobby that you can get lost in for hours! Those two things will do wonders!

  19. Food , man , food ! You don’t have to go full keto, or full vegan or full cave man ! But eating green leafy stuff , fruits , veggies, supplements , and eating 25% of what I normally eat, has helped !

  20. Waking up earlier in the day instead of sleeping in, which in turn makes you want to go to sleep earlier, thereby giving you a better sleep schedule.

  21. Explore the world around you and see new things. You don’t need to go far. Go to the grocery you didn’t try before. Try a new park. Look at maps, google maps and street views and find places that you didn’t know existed then go there. Roads don’t send you on journeys, you have to step off the routine path and go the wrong way and get lost now and then. Even a small town is rarely fully known. Don’t wait your whole life to find out the best slice of pizza was a mile away but you didn’t look.

  22. Getting outside in the fresh air.

    Eating healthy.

    A good hygiene routine.

    Sleeping well.

    Doing nice things for someone else.


    Not everyone can do all of those. Bit the more I can do, the better I feel.

  23. Helping others is the best way to help yourself.

    1. Do things you are proud of.

    Don’t know what those are? Just copy the things you respect or value in other people.

    2. Make a literal list of the things you’ve done which you can respect and value.

    3. When you are down, or unfair towards yourself read through the list.

    If that doesn’t work repeat 1

    A general tip:

    Willpower isn’t a matter of will. You can’t just be stronger, or tougher, or more determined & have more willpower. It’s a precious, but renewable resource. You probably think other people can & there is something wrong with you, but I’m yet to meet the man who can. You have a much better chance of squeezing blood from a turnip than drinking from an empty cup.

    Learn what drains your cup.

    Learn what fills your cup.

    If your cup is empty, don’t try and be more stubborn or more determined. Do something to fill your cup.

    Sense of purpose, meaningful work, platonic & romantic relationships, place in community, these are all protective features against being drained.

  24. Spending time outside,
    Staying away from weed,
    Avoiding alcohol,
    Avoiding prescription pills,
    Creative outlets,

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