I recently discovered that a man that I’m dating has frequently engaged in prone masturbation for years. I am not very sexually experienced and was wondering if this is generally an issue (we haven’t had sex yet together due to me slowing things down). Does anyone have experience with this?

I read somewhere that prone masturbation can lead to more violence or aggression in sex. Is that true? Is there anything I should be conscious about?

  1. You mean masturbating while lying down?? I’ve never heard of the violence and aggression thing that sounds like total bs.

  2. When I was a child I masturbated prone. In adolescence I switched, probably to contain the flood, but I don’t actually remember the reason.

    Anyway I’m about the most gentle, careful, considerate partner ever, but I have no idea if that’s related. If you want to be degraded or slapped or hit, I’m definitely the wrong guy, quite the opposite.

  3. Prone masturbation is not a cause for concern, it is as valid a form as any other. It is good that you have felt comfortable slowing down the relationship because of your level of experience, that suggests some good communication between the two of you. He has also shared a way that he masturbates, which may be a way of telling you how he has felt good before, and how together you might be able to make him feel good. There is nothing here to suggest anything negative about either of you. Continue to communicate with him and be confident in setting boundaries. Good luck, stay safe, have fun!

  4. Seems like bullshit to me.
    Is he an aggressive person otherwise? I think that would be the biggest indicator.

  5. The only thing I’ve heard about it causing issues with is erection quality, penile sensitivity, and ability to climax from partnered sex.

    Which I suppose could lead, indirectly, to trying to maul her with his numb penis in extreme cases where he’s also an asshole, though the issue there is more being a complete asshole.

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