There’s a friend (m-22) that I (f-20) knew for +5 years. Back in april, I texted him to help me in my project. He then, asked me out for a coffee date! I honestly did enjoy spending time with him, even tho I didn’t feel that spark but I was still feeling something. We went out to our second date, it was okay and nice but I honestly felt like he was expecting a kiss.. I just wasn’t comfortable enough and he said nothing about it during the date. When we talked later on, he told me that he is more a touchy person but he understands that it may takes time and all of that.. I honestly just wanted him to be more emotionally open with me. To open up, vent to me, to just express himself and tell me whatever is on his mind! So after that second date, I noticed he became a little bit distant. I wanted to go out again with him, he said he wasn’t that okay and we’d see. But then! We didn’t talk for 2 weeks. no text at all. I got worried so I texted him. He said he’s having some troubles and he’d talk to me when he’ll feel better. A month passed, I couldn’t wait anymore. I should not forget to add that he was even trying to talk with my other friend at the same time when we went on our second date… I honestly don’t blame someone to talk with many person when dating… I mean there’s nothing yet serious, no commitment no nothing. So I ended what didn’t really start. It was a simple conversation, trying to understand what he’s going through. He understood me, and understood my perspective. But I still didn’t quite understand what’s going on in his mind… After some weeks he texted me, he wants to apologize and to go have a coffee together. I first didn’t say yes, but he asked me a second time and I agreed, but we both had exams. So we postponed it. But he didn’t text me about it anymore like?😂 That was in july. And now! After all of that he texted me, saying he want to just check up on me. He didn’t open any conversation, he only wanted to check up on me and if I’m doing fine.

Tdlr : He is a nice person, but I’m unsure how he felt about me. He’s not emotionally open enough. I told him I’m no more interested 2 months ago. He texted me this week. Why am I even hoping for something? I do miss him somehow but Shouldn’t I just move on? Is it possible that he changed?

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