I’m 20 and im new to dating. I met this girl and I ended up having sex with on the second date I lost my virginity to her too but it became just us having sex like we don’t ask each other how we’re doing. When I ask how she’s doing stuff like that she ignores it most of the time or takes long to answer. When I get a call from I already know we’re having sex. This sounds like a weird problem but the way I work I want something serious or nothing at all and well it looks like she doesn’t want anything serious or do I wait?

  1. Depends what you’re after and she’s after. As long as you’re both on the same page and you know where each other stands it should be okay. If you say you want morenand she doesn’t, say that and be willing to end it. Communicating is key.

  2. She wants sex, and clearly isn’t interested in you as a person if she doesn’t want to talk.

    Ask her but definitely don’t wait just hoping as it never comes

  3. Sounds like a good arrangement to me for now… If you are not exclusive, shop around while you get a little jiggy jiggy on the side with her. Then if you find something better bye bye… But expect she will likely be doing the same and might just say good bye to you first. Welcome to the dating world!

  4. Guys don’t want to believe it but women can use use for sec too. You’re 20 years old. More than likely you’re probably being used for sex. Take advantage of it

  5. Nothing is that black and white maybe she does want something serious but you can have sex and something serious that’s what a romantic relationship is. So I’d say communication is key, just ask her! Maybe she just equates sex to love (I do) so it’s understanding each other’s love languages, just talk to her. Good luck.

  6. I’d bring up how she feels about dating and being exclusive. Make your needs known. If they’re not, keep it moving. You’re young, fuck settling.

  7. Hahah you’re 20 and young. I wouldn’t worry about this girl but just enjoy having seggs with her and learning how to best pleasure a partner. As a woman who is doing the exact same thing to someone else and 25 yrs old, make sure you guys talk about what it is you want from the very beginning. Whether it’s FWB or a serious relationship you can’t let this go on for too long unless you want someone to get hurt and it’s more than likely going to be you.

  8. Id just sit her down and if she tell you she just wants to hook up thats your answer. But i really think she just wants to hook up.

  9. You are a booty call and nothing else to her. If she isn’t willing to have a conversation with you this will never be a deep relationship. Youre better of finding someone new

  10. The only question you should be asking is can WE get tested. This is a situation that is hard to find. If she doesn’t want a relationship no worries know that, if you want a relationship build yourself up and find someone who is girlfriend material. Learn from this fwb and how to be better in that area and when you find someone you genuinely like and believe it can go far then end it.

  11. Ok please ignore everyone telling you to “just enjoy the sex” until you find someone better. You already know what you want and this girl isn’t it. You don’t have to try to fit into the weird norms of today for men if you don’t want to. You’re probably attached though because she was your first, and that’s understandable, but try to move on

  12. I’ve had a booty call develop into a relationship over time, but that’s not something I’d count on.

    I’d keep the booty call on hand to satiate physical needs, while scouting out for a person who fulfills all of your needs. Clearly this girl isn’t in it for the emotional connection, so it shouldn’t be a big deal to her that you’re keeping your options open.

  13. You’re not going to find a serious girlfriend who is very okay with you pointlessly sleeping with another woman as a placeholder.

    Just stop responding to her.

  14. It’s ok for you guys to have different standards if it’s not fulfilling for you I think you have to move on

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