We met online about 2 years ago or so and used to talk everyday and were very close. I started not replying as much due to depression but responded to calls. But ever since he changed up majors and had a fall out with his best friend of 10 years that he no longer talks to, it’s been different. He always tells me he’s burnt out and busy and we only hang out once every 2 or 3 months now compared to every day or two.

The thing is he keeps telling me I need to respond faster and I do and always ask him to make plans but then he goes and does the same thing and says it’s temporary. But he’s been doing it since October last year so almost half a year.

Right now the last time I responded to him was April first and since then nothing. I called him on two platforms and he keeps saying he’s burnt out but keeps posting stories on snapchat. He opened my chat since I called him on there and didn’t say anything but hasn’t unfriended me anywhere.

So should I just give him the space and go with it? Or end it? Because he didn’t end it when I was going through my shit so I feel like it wouldn’t be fair and I’d just be throwing a tantrum.

TL;dr: Friend says he is burnt out and doesn’t respond to me but he’s posting stuff elsewhere which makes me frustrated.

  1. I find “ending” a friendship a bit.. confusing/pointless, in this context. Can he only be your friend if you talk every day? Of you enjoy the time you two do get to spend together.. why not just value that? I have many people I consider very good friends whom I only speak to every few months, if even. I still consider them friends, and I’m positive I am their friend. I wouldn’t arbitrarily ‘drop their friendship’ because life is stressful for them.

    That being said, you’re still quite young. I guess at that age much of your life revolves around your friends/friend drama.. I have a husband and children, and many of my friends also have families. We all have fulltime careers. None of us have time in the day to count how many days since we answered eachother’s texts lol. I think it is normal for friendships to evolve as you get older. You can choose to drop anyone who doesn’t devote you attention like you want.. or you can value the time they are able to give to you, and you to them.

  2. If you’re not getting responses, you can just drift apart. The situation may change, but you two don’t seem to be vibing right now like you used to.

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