Men of Reddit, what’s a memorable lose-lose situation that you’ve been put in?

  1. Was told to fist-fight my best friend in order to not get stabbed by a group of arabs who wanted to see two young white kids beat eachother up for some strange reason. My bud punched me once in the eye to get it over with, unfortunately I had contacts in and my eye is still fucked up from it. That was a clear lose/lose since neither of us wanted to injure the other one.

  2. Lol every time I’ve been arrested. Go to jail, or try to run which adds another charge and also go to jail.

  3. When I was younger we had some girls over, 4 girls 4 guys (ideal) but only two of the girls were decent. (5’s and 6’s)

    Before I could hit the bathroom twice both of the decent girls were already taken.

    At that point it became a lose lose.

    Took one for the team that night and swore It would be the last time……it wasn’t

  4. Any time I was forced to fight growing up. Never lost to the opponent who chose me, but I was always scapegoated for their starting it

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