I’m wondering, as I recently heard something like this being discussed…. If a girl has her nails painted, hair done up, jewelry on and is just generally very accessorized… Are you automatically more attracted to her than to a girl who is dressed casually without all the ornaments? Let’s say they both have nice faces and etc.

  1. Not at all. I want a woman who is comfortable in her own skin. Sure, it’s nice to get dressed up now and then, but no one looks like that all the time. I want to fall in love with someone who appears more “natural”, comfortable, relaxed.

    Sorry, but if you’re sick, you’re not going to put on makeup and jewelry to stay more “attractive”. So why keep up that appearance 24/7 if that’s what I’m supposed to be more attracted to. Love who you are and find a guy who will love you for that.

  2. Not one bit, accessories are a non factor in attraction for me, a mid 30s guy in a US metro – and I’d expect for my friends as well.

  3. You don’t have to be all made up to be attractive. Just some basic makeup and clean hair.

  4. It makes a huge difference for me personally. I notice that immediately and I love it.
    It’s not the end of it though. I frequently find myself interested in people who don’t match that description.

  5. Adornment is a defining characteristic of a feminine essence. Yeah it’s attractive from a masculine point of view.

  6. No. The woman makes the woman.

    The thing that draws a man’s attention at the beginning will be physical attractiveness, that’s a fact. Same goes for the thing that draws a woman’s attention at first, I’m sure.

    Sometimes that “beginning” will last for seconds, sometimes for years, but it always ends.

    Everything else that keeps someone attracted after that is personality, which is communicated in several ways.

    Accessories can be one of those ways, sure, but the things that make you, you will be the things that matter most. Definitely more than physical attractiveness, just FYI.

    Makeup and accessories can’t fix a terrible personality, and physical imperfections can’t ruin a wonderful one.

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