Hello everyone,

For the last year me (m28) and my gf (f25) have been living at my parents house with father,(m55) two sisters(f18 and f22) and brother (m25).

Currently we have been having issues with brother who is just impossible. He wont own up any mistakes, whatever we tell him to do, he just wont do it. He has some his beliefs about everything and wont change his opinion. He has been picking fights with sisters regarding clothes, mean comments about their cooking and so.

Me, and gf told them that we would be moving out if his behaviour doesnt change.

Sisters also joined in conversation regarding situation about brother and they support his moving out. The thing is, father wont kick him out because he thinks nobody should leave and work things out, but brother wont change his habits or anything, meaning he is defending brother.

We found 2 bedroom apartment, 500€ with utilities included. But thing is that if we go that way then after paying our expenses we would be living paycheck to paycheck, and baby due in March.

I would be okay with that but Im worried about money and I feel like horrible person thinking only about money.

Tl;dr; gf and I are living at my parents house and we are having issues with brother. We are thinking of moving out but I have concerns about money

1 comment
  1. Think it’s bad now? It will be worse once the baby arrives! Yes, move out. You’re going to have to figure out a budget and how to live within that budget. It’s difficult, for sure, but you can do it!

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