Fairly long, so I do apologize. Excuse the errors as I’m also writing this on my iPhone.

Currently 37 years old. I’m a first year surgical resident in a very competitive field. It took me almost a decade to get into this field due to procrastination and not fully applying myself early on in life. I absolutely hate that I didn’t take advantage of my 20s properly with respect to education, & it took me so long to get to where I am; on the contrary, where most people who specialize in this field are in their 20s. My co-residents are all 10-11 years younger than me!

I can’t help but blame myself for the poor life choices I made. Instead of putting the work in, I was out partying and not applying myself. I got into bad relationships with women, took advantage of my parents, and just kept hitting rock bottom; whereas my colleagues were all moving forward.

I can’t help but think that I won’t be done with my training until the age of 42, whereas most people will finish at 33-35.

I also realized how im at the next phase of my life. All my credit cards are at a new zip code & not for the house which I grew up in with my parents. Weird feeling having that as my comfort zone and now it’s not. Put into perspective how close I am to my family & losing that bond because of 5 little numbers just scares & horrifies me so damn much.

I talk to my parents everyday, but I see that I am now becoming the parent and will be taking care of a child soon, & want to be the same type of parent they were for me.

  1. Take a step back and look at the degree of your “catastrophizing” and helpless language:

    * “I absolutely hate”
    * “took me so long”
    * “I can’t help but blame myself”
    * “I can’t help but think”
    * “losing that bond because of 5 little numbers”
    * “scares & horrifies me so damn much.”

    Yikes. And yet here is another narrative with the same facts and a bit different interpretation:

    > Currently 37 years old. I’m a first year surgical resident in a very competitive field. Very few people in the history of humankind will ever be able to achieve what I have achieved. In fact, most educated people wouldn’t even be able to do what I can do. When I am done with my training, I’ll command a very high salary that will insure my and my loved ones’ financial security and luxury for life, have the respect of my family and community of peers and co-workers, help save lives and give people their functionality back, and relieve the suffering of people and those that loved them and whose hearts break for them.

    > I also realized how, as an autonomous adult man, my credit cards are addressed to where I have chosen to live. I talk to my parents everyday and I know I am so fortunate to be this emotionally close with my family, and I look forward to exploring that bond in the years to come as I grow as a man, as a professional, and as a father–and have the wealth to be able to have opportunities to share time and special experiences with my entire loving family.

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