Now for background My BF and his 2 friends started a drink company and it’s been doing pretty well. They have some big name investors. They want to expand into other places and they have been going back and fourth with this guy from Abu Dhabi trying to set up a deal.

My BF gets a call that needs he to get to the airport ASAP because the other guy had agreed and sent a jet for them and he wanted them to be there because a 3rd party had come in and they had worked out a solid deal and he wanted to meet the people in person before going through.

Which is fine but after the deal goes through he calls me to say that he’ll be missing my birthday because the guy had gotten them tickets to the World Cup for the Portugal match on Nov 28th so he’ll be staying there indefinitely. My birthday is today.

His explanation was that he’s a huge Ronaldo fan and he’s never been to a World Cup and Ronaldo is a football legend and this is his last ever World Cup ever. It would be stupid to miss an opportunity like this.

We went back and fourth and his words were

“Babe I fuckin sacrificed so much for this company, everything I worked towards was because I could get opportunities like this, I’ve dreamed of this lifestyle since I was 15, it’s just a birthday, I’ll be there on Dec 1st, I have to go”

We just moved to a new city and I don’t know anybody here. I’m just alone.

  1. You are failing to realize something. This was a gift from a client. He was not in a position to turn it down. It would have been incredibly rude for him to do so and affected his business relationship. This was a big deal to the client. Do you have any idea the amount of money that those tickets cost them? This was business. As much as it sucks for him to miss your birthday, it was an incredible opportunity for him and for him and his business.

  2. Sounds like he’s got a possibly really successful company and is making some big moves. You’re gonna have to be understanding that if youre going to date someone who is that successful there will be sacrifices. If thats not okay there are plenty of guys who don’t fly in private jets to the world cup 🙂

  3. You’re being a bit silly. Your birthday is just a day. It’s not actually special. Honestly. It’s just a day. A Hallmark celebration. You’re young. I get it. But, as you get older, you will understand that it’s just a day, like any other day.

  4. Your best bet here is to be supportive and ask him to make it up to you when he gets back.

    It was a client thing and an amazing opportunity for any soccer fan.

    Had he come home he’d resent you for making him come back and the birthday would still be “ruined”

  5. Lol… she deleted her account because of souch backlash. Guess that it didn’t go the way she wanted so she stomped off and threw a fit

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