Hi guys ! I’ve been with my boyfriend for around 6 years on and off .. I’ve always heard men and woman view relationships differently, even if it’s something small. What are some “icks” men find in long term relationships? What are some of the pros ? Maybe things they wish didn’t change … How do they see long term relationships? Just a quick pov of men see long term things or even how to make them feel more appreciated:) !!

  1. Good- Consistancy, stability, regular sex, affection, childern, and family.

    Bad- Lack of novelty, No respect for boundrys, Decaying sex drive and sex, ulimatiums, and ultimately divorce and family court.

  2. One of the cons, women are constantly berating and coming at you. For a lighter-hearted take, check this out.


    The number of married men I know who have peace and quiet in their lives is exactly zero and if there isn’t an active problem, women will create a problem.

  3. I miss nothing about being single. My life is mostly the same with good additions, I don’t get tired of my girlfriend whatsoever, she’s literally the most beautiful person i have ever seen and, most importantly, we are compatible

  4. Things that men are likely to miss in a long term relationship?

    The sex.

    Especially if they have kids and she goes into mommy mode and forgets that she’s also a romantic partner and lover.

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