How many of you decorate the exterior of your house for Christmas?

  1. I don’t do this, too much work. I put the Christmas tree up today though (not my choice, I prefer to wait until December 1)

  2. I do because I like the change inside my home. I don’t normally decorate the outside though.

    I could do with or without either, it’s just nice to do every once in a while.

  3. We have joint decorations with the neighbor including lights connecting the houses and blowups across two yards, for one big display.

  4. We don’t but we live way out in the country pretty far off any road so nobody would be able to see it even if we did.

  5. My dad and his neighbor have had a friendly rivalry the last few years, each year their displays get bigger and bigger (to the point of gaudiness if you ask me, but no one did).

    I put lights up on the house and the small tree in my yard, wreath on the front door.

  6. I put up a few lights but nothing crazy.

    And really it’s because I have a thing for Christmas and Halloween lights lol

    This year all probably get some red, white, and blue ones for summer time too

  7. A few lights and a Nativity Scene for me. 🙂 I don’t normally decorate for holidays, but Christmas holds a special place in my heart.

  8. Just finished decorating today! We pay a company to put the lights up (my husband hates heights) but we do the garland, wreaths, etc.

  9. We usually put up a few strings of lights, but nothing spectacular. Some of our neighbors go all-out, though. One, in particular, has close to a full display up for most of the winter. I think she started during COVID, when everything was depressing and she thought the neighborhood could use a little cheering up.

  10. Very modest with white lights on two Christmas tree shaped bushes and then a spotlight on the front door with a wreath.

  11. Probably â…“ of my neighbors do it, unless you count something as basic as a wreath on the front door. Then it’s basically everyone.

  12. Candle-lit wreathes in the windows, wreathes on the driveway gate, garland on the porch. No strings of.lights along the gutters, though, so more of a country Christmas look and feel.

    We do quite a bit on the inside, but, because we are older, not as much as we used to.

  13. I will be doing it for the very first time this year, our first house!! I mean my family did it when I was growing up but as an adult this will be the first time.

    My neighbors went all out. Tons of lights, blow up things, everything. We won’t be doing that, I hate the blow up things, but I like lights and decorations.

  14. I do! Even when I lived in a 1 bedroom apartment, I decorated the doorway and the balcony. Halloween and Christmas decorations are so much fun!

  15. We live in one of those neighborhoods with a historically long tradition of decorating. So we do it. It was even mentioned when we bought our house that that’s part of the deal.

  16. Helped put the lights up at the fire house this week as well as put some up at my own place. I’m not super into the holidays but I get bored easily and it’s a fun thing to do.

  17. My parents always did every year. My mom loves to redecorate the house honestly. After moving out, my housemates are tempted to decorate this time due to living in the new home

  18. We don’t really decorate much but my grandma house is where the decorations get all out of hand

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