Hi everyone.

I’ve been working in retail for a big company for the past 7 years. For a while this was fine, and despite being full time, the pay just isn’t cutting it anymore. Not to mention how horrendous management are, and always have been.

I have no qualifications in anything, not even GCSE. What are my options here? I figure I’m probably shit out of luck without going to college, I just can’t imagine how I’d fit the time in for that and work. This is a shot in the dark, but are there any niche jobs that pay fairly well with at least half decent progression opportunities?

Also, I’m well aware I’ll have to be extremely lucky to land a well paying job with no qualifications, but even £200 extra a month would be a massive help.

Thank you.

  1. Look into level 2 courses at your local college. Most can be done at evenings and you dont need qualifications for a lot of them. That is at least a first step.

  2. What is your current hourly rate?

    Aldi pay £11 an hour.

    A friend of mine works full time but makes crafty stuff, paints glassware and makes pebble pictures, she makes extra money doing fares.

    Buy a 3d printer, build a cheap computer, make stuff, learn 3d modelling. Use the internet to learn.

  3. If you can I’d suggest an apprenticeship in what you enjoy.. It took me 7 years to realise I was in the wrong job and did an apprenticeship in IT and was life changing.

  4. You can do get loaded on an Access course as an adult which once finished can be used to apply to University.

    The military also has some well paid jobs, regardless of where you start off if you apply yourself you can get promoted quite quickly (to earn more money)

  5. A lot of colleges and universities will offer courses that do work around your work, so look in to that.

    I’d also make up a CV and just start spamming half decent jobs. You never know when you might get lucky.

    Also talk to your current employer if there’s any way you can advance internally, you’ve been there for years, maybe they will take that in to account.

    Finally, check out the [beermoneyuk](https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoneyuk/comments/x2yvlr/inboxpounds_the_best_gpt_for_british_people/) sub for lots of ways to make cash on the side for people in the UK!

  6. Lots of companies offer apprenticeships probably pay what you are earning now to learn and then can be well paid after you pass the apprenticeship.

  7. If you are a guy, or even a a physically strong girl, I’d suggest getting into roadwork. It’s physically demanding, but the pay aint bad and we need people. The NRSWA Operatives course is 5 days and costs £630. There are no prerequisites (that I know of)

    I work with a guy who supports a family with 5 children who is an operative.

    If you pull your weight and willing to learn I don’t see why you can’t work your way up to supervisor level.

  8. As someone with no GCSEs, I just got on the night shift at retail. Think it’s about 13 pounds an hour? But I live in a council house, that helps more than anything. Difficult to get one these days…

    I couldn’t go to college, so it’s lucky I’m surviving.

  9. Get an AO/EO job in the civil service. They do not care about education history for the majority of the jobs, and use competencies in the interview which is more examples of your past employment (teamwork, problem solving etc).

    If you are IT literate, a job doing casework/admin etc in the civil service/local council/NHS will be perfect. They can fund apprenticeships and qualifications whilst you are in post.

    I transitioned out of retail last year into civil service, joining on £21K and I am now on £37k: they have paid for all my accounting exams and will qualify next year, with my earning potential then being £50-£60K.

  10. I dont know how you feel about care work. But working in a residential childrens home has lots of options to work your way up to management. The qualifications are funded and are mostly done the work during work hours.

    Dont get me wrong, the hours can be long but everyday is often different, there are opportunities to make the role your own and if you can stick through the hard days, the job can be quite rewarding and fulfilling.

    Generally, homes want people from all different backgrounds and walks of life so they are less set on qualifications ans more interested in life experience/hobbies/interests.

    Usually, once you have been employed for 6months you will have to start the funded level 3 qualification.

    If this is something you consider, check out jobs on indeed or sign up to an agency if you just want to try it. Be prepared that not all homes are the same and the kids can be unsettled for periods of time.

  11. My husband worked for a retail manager for 15 years. At the age of 33 he retrained as a plumber. Because of his age they didn’t ask anything about his qualifications, he went to night school part time after work, qualified and got a job with a firm afterwards. He’s now on far more than he ever made and has better hours.

    Granted we did have to pay for the course but if it’s doable you’ll never be without work in a trade.

  12. I would suggest looking into a trade – any trade. Plumbing, electrician, brick laying, painting and decorating, carpet fitting, landscape gardening…

    I see someone suggested the Civil Service – also check out what vacancies exist in the local authorities remit. Refuse collectors, recycling centres, school caretakers – many of these are now “contracted out” but these jobs still exist.

    One area that was in demand (and possibly still is) is male body waxing. There are NOT a lot of men who offer this – and yet there are men who want a body wax and are a bit nervous about asking a woman to wax their “back, crack and sack”. Anal bleaching is another “cosmetic job” where men would appreciate a male doing it.

    From the opening post, you seem to have a reasonable standard of English and if you have no GCSE’s in Maths and English you can often find an Adult Education Course where you can obtain there.

    Also speak to the manager as to what in-store courses are available. Health and Safety, Food Safety, Alcohol Licensing were all available through the supermarket chain where I worked.

  13. I’m learning to drive a lorry. I had to take on a second job to pay for the training but it means a 40% wage increase for me. My second job is delivering pizzas for pizza hut. I do 2 nights a week and work about 10 hours a week. I get fed for free, they pay the insurance, I’ve made friends and this month I made around £350 not including my fuel money. Your local Dominoes, Papa John’s and Pizza hut are almost definitely hiring. I never bothered with the uber eats type thing as I enjoy the social side and being in a team.

  14. Come Into telecommunications. Openreach pay £20k first year and then Rises to 28k, with overtime I used to clear £35k easily. I did that for a few years and finally progressed into management for telecoms and now make over £50k, I only have 1 C GCSE.

    It’s harder without quals as you really have to get somewhere by getting experience, rather than being able to apply straight away with a degree or something

  15. skills bootcamps. even if you arent elegible, just lie and say you are unemployed and you will have no issue getting in

    source: i do the same thing. on my third bootcamp now!

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