i’m a 4’10 man and get rejected by every woman for being too short. I think the minimum acceptable height is 5’10

  1. Dating in general is tough, I’m a taller guy and trust me they aren’t beating my door down.

  2. Please don’t take this in any sort of negative way. Because I agree with you, that I’m sure your height has held you back from women. Have you considered going to a country with shorter people? For example, the average Sri Lankan is 160.12cm (5 feet 3.04 inches) tall. The average man in Sri Lanka is 165.68cm (5 feet 5.23 inches) tall. The average woman in Sri Lanka is 154.56cm (5 feet 0.85 inches) tall. Since you can’t change your height, you only have two options. Change your geographical location, or change how you feel about the situation.

  3. I actually prefer men under 6’. My preference is somewhere around 5’6”-5’10”. I don’t like feeling towered. Likewise however, I don’t like to feel like I’m towering over someone else. I’d date a man shorter than me but not much shorter than me.

    Edit: I’m 5’4”

  4. I’d say the minimum for not having big problems is about 5’7, I know a lot of guys that are 5’7 and 5’8 and they don’t have problems with dating. It’s obvious that 6′ is much better but still…

  5. I don’t care about height until I realized that at four inches taller someone looks as if they’re the same height and it’s kind of unattractive

    But that can be set aside easily with the right personality and other characteristics

    I’d say I like 5’7 and taller
    You are on more than just the short side unfortunately and my first reaction wouldn’t be good. If you gave her a chance though the second reaction may be better.

    Own your height and shortcomings.

  6. I’m 5’7” and I’ve never had a “height” problem. It’s a superficial thing that practically is exclusive to only superficial women in my experience

  7. I mean Peter Dinklage, Wee Man, even Verne Troyer, all married and dated beautiful, tall women. It’s true you’re going to have a harder time being short, but that’s out of your control. You can control your sense of humor, your personality, your career, what you bring to the table as whole package. I assure you having a sad sack “woe is me” attitude isn’t doing yourself any favors. You can get in really great shape, make money, have a career you love, be kind. Women are looking for a lot of traits so focus on the ones you can control. Also, there are plenty of small women that you’ll be at equal height to, but plenty of women care much more about other things than height.

    Overweight, gross, mean, loser guys have girlfriends and wives too. People compromise in a lot of areas (and in many areas they shouldn’t). Height is a really minor thing compared to some people’s issues.

  8. I’ve always preferred guys taller than me (I’m 5’7) but have been into shorter guys too. Currently have a crush on a short king and he really got me with his confidence. I love how he goes after me unapologetically.

    There are so many things that make a man special regardless of his height, but if you ever show up feeling like your height is a hindrance that is a complete turn off.

  9. Height only matters for those who are looking at someone on the surface level. You wouldn’t want to be with someone who is with you for your height. What matters is who you are.

    Be thankful you are dodging bullets. Keep putting yourself out there and be who you are. You’ll find someone!

  10. I’m 5’5 and honestly, it’s all about the confidence and being interesting and not let your height get to you.

    Can’t be taller but you can totally be interesting, confidence, lots of hobbies and lots to talk about, not he a bore, it really goes a long way.

    I met some dude shorter than me and his GF is taller than me, it’s all about owning it and being confident, you got this man.

  11. I mean i like and have dated short men. Confidence is more important to me personally. I would date a little person if they had a rockin personality

  12. I forgot his name but theres an actor thats literally a midget and is married to like a 5’10 supermodel.

  13. If you stay sad about being short women will pick up on that insecurity.

    Best thing any guy looking for love can do is just live your life, have fun, don’t take life so seriously and one day someone will recognize how dope you are and they’ll love you for it.

    I always dated women who were significantly shorter than myself, cause men (for the most part) I feel tend to go for women who are a bit shorter than them.

    My wife is the exact same height as me. We’re both 5”11.

    I guess what I’m trying to say is, don’t sweat it, love comes in all shapes and sizes and hits when you’re not expecting it. It’ll be okay brother 👍🏼

  14. Height does matter, but the minimum acceptable height isn’t 5’10. Most of my friends are between 5’5 and 5’10 and are happily dating somebody, and my brother is 5’5 and has been in long term relationships as long as I can remember.

  15. I’m 5’3 and right now I’m talking to like 2 ladies

    Waiting for 1 or the other to be like let’s be exclusive.

    I tried and both were like


    So I told them “the balls in your court make the move when your ready”

    Both make me feel like they just want the D
    And I’m like “I actually want the commitment”

    So yeah that disapproves the whole height thing in another comment

    Also my ex boss who is also a homie is like that height I swear.

    He’s married and can go out and get a girl
    Lately and I’m proud of him for this,his wife has been like 3mnths pregnant now and he’s all about her.

    I keep cheering him on,he met up with me at the bar and we wanted to feel young so we busted our ass skating at the skating rink but even after that he still goes home get her off her feet and grabs them drinks before I left for the night.

    So this height thing is definitely you . .


  16. I’m 5’1 I like to date people taller than me or the same height even. I’m short as shit so pretty much everyone is taller than me.

  17. If your rich and great hygiene then you shouldn’t have a problem lol

    A man with confidence is very attractive and money too lol

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