I have fully covered penis even when erect , so will it cause during intercourse?

  1. If you mean the foreskin doesn’t come back, that’s a medical condition called phimosis.

    Usually a doctor will tell you to take hot baths and attempt to slowly, carefully pull back on the foreskin while in the bath.

    If this is unsuccessful, yes there is a surgical option. In mature patients this is typically done under full anesthesia unlike with an infant so it requires a (very short) hospital stay.

  2. This is a condition called phimosis. Please see a doctor, they can advise you on next steps better than anyone on the internet. Good luck!

  3. A foreskin protects the glans which preserves sensitivity in the penis and it facilitates penetration and gliding action during sex. Those are both very useful.


    Respectfully, if your foreskin doesn’t provide you with a gliding action when you masturbate, you should get it checked by a doctor. Your ideal outcome is to preserve the foreskin because it has real benefits. Your doctor may give you a stretching routine and steroids to help you get to that place. In more significant cases, they may recommend surgery but I personally would recommend you choose a surgery which preserves the foreskin.

  4. My brother got his foreskin removed from not rolling back in his 20s, he hasn’t had problems since. As an adult there really isn’t any stretching it to where it should be, that needs to happen as a kid.

  5. If you make it a daily routine to pull it a bit further than it goes normally, usually you’ll eventually be able to correct it.

    Don’t force it too far …

    I was able to correct mine when I was younger (about 8-10yo) and my father told me what to do.

    In a couple years I was completely normal and my wife, nowadays, would never imagine I had the condition.

    Surgery will correct it faster, but usually they will cut parts or all of the foreskin and you may or may not like it afterwards.

    My two cents!

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