He’s one of those loud blatantly sexist people who think it’s funny. He’s new in the office, I’m his mentor and he treats me and my time with zero respect and doesn’t take anything I tell him to do seriously.

He talks down to me (after barging into a conversation between me and another male coworker and I asked him to pls stay in his place and he goes “the adults are talking here, you’re free to leave if you don’t like that”) and talks to me and other women exclusively in quips and pick up lines.

I told him already that he might think this is winning him sympathies but it’s not, it’s just disrespectful and cringe. He replied “that’s how you feel about it, it’s not my problem you’re offended.”

  1. Sounds like an arsehole and more than enough to take to HR for a formal complaint. You’d be doing him a favour in the long run.

  2. Jesus, you’re working with Todd Packer, that’s crazy. The line “it’s not my problem if you’re offended” speaks volumes.

    Without knowing the type of work environment, I would suggest you keep a log of all interactions with this person where he acts inappropriately, noting what is said, the context, the time/date and how it made you feel. If your employer takes respectful workplace seriously, this will arm them with everything they need to performance manage him or show him the door. The latter being the preferred option for a jackass of this magnitude.

  3. First tell him to stop or you will report him. Do it loudly and make sure you have witnesses.
    The first thing HR is going to say is have you asked him to stop?
    You can say yes. The date, time and witnesses.
    If he continues his behaviour, start logging the time, what was said and who else was present when he said it. When you lodge your complaint you will have ready. They can question others about his behaviour. Otherwise, it often gets dismissed as a he said/she said situation.
    If you do not wish to complain to HR: put your phone up like you are recording. It generally shuts up loud mouths.
    Dont respond to insults. Use the grey rock method. Look it up.

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