So I recently started online dating, and one of the things I keep seeing is men writing “no drama” or similar in the first couple of lines of their bios. I’m really trying hard to understand…. are there really so many women that bring drama on dating sites? Is this normal? What exactly is “drama” to these guys? Maybe I’m just so boring, or dont have any really dramatic friends to know what kind of behaviour this is really warning of. I asked some friends, men and women, and they didnt seem to have any idea why this warning was such a trend so thought I would ask the men of Reddit. Thanks!!!

  1. Yes, a lot of women can be attention seeking drama queens. It can be tiring.

    They start arguments over nothing and fly off the handle at a moment’s notice.

    Worked a long shift and don’t feel like having sex? Get clawed in the face.

    Met a female friend? She gets enraged and starts shouting.

    Out for some drinks with friends? She gets drunk, can barely stand up, and kicks a friend who is helping her.

    Didn’t give her enough attention? She gets violent with random objects.

    This is what ‘drama’ looks like.

    One day I met a woman who was zero drama. Totally down to earth, level headed and calm.

    We’re married now.

  2. When they say no drama the person has way too much drama in their life and will probably ruin yours.

  3. Its a bit silly of a bio to have since I dont think anybody WANTS drama. All people can be toxic/dramatic male and female but I guess males tend to keep things to themselves, pretend they dont care. We are taught not to show feelings and generally suppress negative feelings. Women are much more likely to express their negative feelings through crying, bitching or passive aggression. Guess men generally don’t want to deal with drama over things men themselves wouldn’t find an issue. I’m sure if you asked all these people they’d have different ideas of drama.

  4. Means don’t bring that crazy shit over here! If you have baggage, take your ass to the nearest airport and fly the fuck on!

  5. >are there really so many women that bring drama on dating sites?

    Most of the women on dating apps are only choosing the few men at the top and ignoring the rest.

    Then when they get dumped and lower their standards to their second or last choices they tend to bring the frustrations from the previous flings with them.

    Such as being short tempered, talking about the previous ex, being triggered by acts of kindness, making the father of her child the dudes problem, shit testing etc.

    Some minor, some major but all trying or a mans patience.

  6. Huge red flag.

    Men who say no drama are drama lovers and will create or make u create so much of u u would not even recognize urself

    Source: experience

  7. “Drama” is too subjective for it to mean anything. Anyone who would put “no drama” on a dating profile is of low intelligence. It’s a pointless thing to say, like saying “I like to have fun”. Swipe left and move on.

  8. Because their last relationship was toxic with drama and they don’t wanna do it again.

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