What makes a man too lame?

  1. Lack of identity conviction and a desire to please people

    The world doesn’t really reapect push overs who tey to win others approval.

    Even on a dating level you can’t just be like “oh I like everything you’ll like and I’ll also kiss the ground you walk, can you please give me validation and love me for my ability to put you on a pedestal?”

    You can’t GET people to like you

    They’ll smell your desperate salesman pitch from a mile away

    Just because you fooled your parents and teachers doesn’t make you a mastermind and manipulation

    You can’t fake an identity

    You gotta learn to put yourself out there, say “hey this is me, if you don’t like it we’ll that’s your problem cuz I like it”

    If you can’t say that^ than self respect and self love will allude you forever and you’ll continue chasing the approval of others when realy you need your own approval

    A girls/friends approval might make you happy temporarily

    But your own approval helps you believe in who you are and what youre doing.

  2. When he seek validation, have no self-confidence, and lack the pursue of excellence and his life.

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