So recently me (21m) and the amazing girl I’ve been seeing (20f) recently called it official and since things have been heating up a lot in the bedroom.

She has the contraceptive implant in her arm, and has stopped having periods completely.

She doesn’t want me to use a condom when we have sex, which I initially refused to do, but after doing research I now realise it’s one of the strongest forms of contraception available and that many people have used it without there being any issues.

However before I do so, I want to talk to her about what we should do on the off chance she gets pregnant. Since she doesn’t have a period to miss, my concern is that by the time she realises she’s pregnant, it will be too late for a pill and we will have to resort to more extreme options.

What do you guys think the best back up plan for this situation would be? All advice appreciated!

  1. Ok, so you go talk to her. It does depend on whether you want kids or not. Really, failed contraceptive has only one solution. The morning-after pill (within 24hrs) or abortion.

    That being said, implants are pretty reliable.

  2. Get both tested for STIs first.

    As you get that rolling, DO have that “just in case” talk with her.

    You wont forgive yourself if you don’t. Don’t settle for maybes either. Do the adult thing! Sucks now, but it’ll pay down the road…

  3. If you were to pull out prior to ejaculation, you’d be further decreasing the risk of pregnancy. If she plans to seek an abortion if she does get pregnant, you could request that she take monthly pregnancy tests. Presuming that a medical abortion is easy to get where you are, that should identify a pregnancy early enough to avoid surgical procedures.

  4. Implants are really reliable but talk to her in case a freak mishap happens. If I had a dick, I would never EVER stick in in pro-life crazy.

  5. You and your girlfriend need to talk about what she’d do if she got pregnant. She might want to terminate the pregnancy or carry the pregnancy to term. She may change her mind once she is pregnant. You can’t make a decision for her but you can support her decision.

    I think that the best way to approach this is to tell her that you’re worried that she might get pregnant. Then ask her what she’s planning to do if she does get pregnant. All you can do after that is to tell her that you’ll support her decision and then drop the subject.

    She will have noticeable symptoms that she’s pregnant which she can confirm by taking a pregnancy test. [](


    This article explains the benefits of using two birth control methods together instead of one birth control method alone. [](

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