I just want a fun hookup in college but I never know what to say or do, I have no flirting skills whatsoever

  1. Carry accesories that you want guys to comment on, like an interesting book or article of clothing.

    Likewise, you can start a conversation with a guy that looks interesting.

    When you’re talking to a guy your interested in, give gentle physical cues, like lean toward him or touch him casually. Smile at him, laugh at his jokes, etc.. Compliment his accomplishments. But don’t overdo it.

    Men will fool around with/have sex with most women. The danger in coming on too strong or actually asking the guy out is that he might not be that into you and can lead to an unsatisfying experience.

  2. Guys these days are so desperate for attention from women that you just have to hear what they say and responds with “wow that’s wonderful” while smiling.

    Jokes aside though, just be kind, forward about what you’d like and dudes will generally be really into that if they are emotionally mature.

  3. You’re a girl, you don’t need game lol. Just give them “fuck me” eyes, or if you’re too scared hop on a dating app and pick someone u wanna fuck

  4. I personally M22 appreciate it a lot when a girl is direct. You could come up to me and tell me that you wanna hang out with me some time. Even if u weren’t attractive to me Id be super kind towards you.
    Now there isnt that one answer and not every guy is desperate etc. But what I can say beside this is that I often get confused by girls, whether they are just kind and trying to be friends or if they really really like me. Thats hard for me. Thats why Id love to be talked to very directly.
    But you could also easily meet and ahole or maybe even just someone super insecure that would treat you in a bad manner, maybe make fun of you etc.
    Ig thats just what life is like. You dont know unless you tried. And it always depends a lot on the situation.
    Just be yourself, kind, open and enjoy your time.

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