We started talking about stuff bec we have work on the same institution. We have the same interests and personality. We enjoyed each other’s company and talking to each other, without any intention of falling in love, but it eventually happend. We fell deeply in love, but he is married, with kids. We cannot stop on talking and seeing each other. But we are aware of our limitations and planned to stop. We just don’t know how to start and how to stop it. We never had any sexual interaction. And we are very aware that this is wrong. I know this is not me and I hate it. What should I do?

  1. Cut him out of your life and set up some sessions with a good therapist to help you sort out healthy boundaries.

  2. Put yourself in his wife’s shoes and imagine how would she feel when she found out her husband is banging another woman while she’s taking care of the kids. There are more people to fall in love. I get it, shit happens. I’m not gonna try and sit here pretending that everyone is perfect. However, you’re about to destroy a family, in case you haven’t done that already.

  3. Just look for someone or distract yourself by using dating apps or sites. Don’t you feel bad for the mum and kids?? LEAVE HIM AND HIS FAM ALONE

  4. Maybe you two are just unluky to meet each other before that marriage.

    So fuck people here. Maybe he wants to escalate things with you too. Be one tough cookie and be sure he is in love with you and wants vital changing. He needs to calculate things meticulous.

    In the end of the day. Life is too short for not doing what you truly want and missing opportunities will make rest of your life happier I mean both of you.

  5. This is emotional cheating. He might seem like the perfect guy now but do you realize your perfect guy is able to have an emotional affair? If (and yes I say if… Chances are very small) he will leave his wife he will do this too you too. Do you really want a guy like that?

    The love you feel are just hormones and only based on silly dreams. If he leaves his wife you know what you will be dealing with right? A divorce, sad wife and kids and you will have this (traumatized?) Kids to take care off. He will have to pay a lot of childsupport and probably alimony to. This wont work out.

    So the only thing you can do to get rid of these silly hormones changing reality is to cut all contact. No excuses. Go no contact and the feelings will go away after a while and you will come to your senses, wake up and see things how they really are. If you dont… You will be the other woman sitting at home all alone at Christmas because your man is celebrating it with his family and having sex with her after (even or maybe even especially if he tells you they dont have sex anymore)

  6. Have some self respect and leave him. He doesn’t respect you. You are easy for him because he can still have his perfect little family and you on the side.

  7. Who cares?If u both like each other let the relationship go on.Just be discreet about it.

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