Myself (f21) and my friend (m26) who I talk to regularly and we play video games together and go hill walking from time to time . Last time I was at his house about 2 weeks ago we had sex and the time before that I let him eat me out .

I now have a boyfriend who I started dating this week but idk if that means I can’t see my friend anymore because Iv had sex with him . I would never cheat on my bf but it might seem weird

  1. Just because you have a boyfriend, girlfriend or whatever it might be doesn’t mean you can’t have friends. Granted you can’t have sexual relations with them but there’s nothing wrong with hanging out, playing games, going for a drink, etc (standard stuff friends do) regardless of what the past was between you two

  2. You don’t have to cut him off as long as you set boundaries and let him know that you have a boyfriend now so all that has to stop / is in the past. If you can both respect that and remain friends then you don’t have to lose him.

  3. It often does. Sometimes it does not.

    It comes down to a lot of nitty-gritty.

    >I now have a boyfriend who I started dating this week

    So did you guys move really fast by going from not dating at all to being a couple in less than a week or were you seeing him at the time you fucked your friend 2 weeks ago?

  4. It’s kind of red flag controlling behavior, shows a lot of insecurity and immaturity if a new partner wants you to cut off contact with other people you’ve been intimate with.

    Stand your ground about maintaining friendships and connection. Boyfriends will probably come and go but real friends can last through all that.

  5. Don’t tell your boyfriend it happened before you started dating him. Either he won’t care or he’ll have a bad reaction.

    Don’t cheat in the future like you said, that’s what you owe him. Fidelity not complete disclosure of all past sexual behavior.

    Don’t end a friendship, there is no reason.

  6. There is no reason you cannot remains friends with your former lovers. I have had sex with most of my current female friends. They are my friends. The sex friend part is over, but the friendship is not.

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