How do I get better talking 1 on 1? It’s like all the pressure gets put on me. When I talk in group chats, no one will notice if I leave for a second, but if it’s just me and the other person, I’m seen as rude. I’m also not good at keeping a conversation going, all I know how to talk about is myself, I suck at relating to people since all of my interests are either not appropriate for the situation, niche or strange. I also am completely numb to a lot of things (rarely cry, never get excited, rarely get anxious, etc.). I can never keep a convo going and the pressure to be interesting is so intense and makes chatting feel like a chore. The problem is I’ll never be able to date if I can’t have 1 on 1 convos. I want to date so bad but I’m just so bad talking to people when there aren’t other people around.

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