For context:
I’m a 21-year-old dude from Minnesota who has never had a girlfriend, I have autism as well so I could never really understand The dating/social world as deeply as other people could naturally, and I’ve always hated myself for that, Not being able to just ‘get’ social and relational cues as easy as the normal person. I also have obviously never had coitus before and I am one of only three of my homies to have claimed that dubious honor (This seems really unimportant now but it will come into play later)

Enter Gabriella (That’s not her real name but That’s what we’re going to go with) she’s from North Carolina, and she is everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman in my entire life. Not only is she smart and funny and kind and selfless and all the good qualities you could attribute to a person, she is fucking gorgeous. I mean like seriously, Probably one of the prettiest women to have ever walked this planet, definitely the prettiest woman I’ve ever seen in my life (Probably just me being lovestruck but it’s whatever). Anyway, we’ve been talking for like 2-3 months at this point and we’re already throwing the. I love yous at each other, and what’s really amazing is that she doesn’t care that I have autism and sometimes stuff is difficult for me. I even told her ” hey I have autism so I might not be able to comprehend cues and stuff so I might just ask what you mean by things if that’s okay”
And she actually really liked that, she even said that’s so sweet. Not a lot of guys do that. Immediately after that I knew I was deeply deeply in love with this woman. And honestly, Ive felt more confident in myself these past couple of weeks because of her, And I’m genuinely so happy because she’s coming up to Minnesota in February.

However, because we’re both in our early twenties, The question of sex is bound to come up at some point, and it did. I told her I never had a girlfriend and I’m a virgin and again she was really happy I said that. She thought it was cute, which ,my God, is a world away from my friends.
My friends are all really chill dudes (Maybe they don’t have the best choice in roomies, there’s a story on my profile about that. It’s a bit unhinged but yeah, Also yes most, Like 70% easily ,of them are dudes. It’s just what happens when you get stupidly nervous around girls for 2/3 of your scholastic career) And they’ve actually fought people who’ve made fun of me for being autistic. This is going to come out of left field but I promise it will play a part, What they don’t shy away for making fun of me for is being vanilla and not having any fetishes, every time that that topic is brought up I’ll get some backhanded comment like ” hey Glum, I’m getting us ice cream. Do you want vanilla?” Or ” of course the virgin altar boy likes to go to the smoke shop and not the sex shop”. Sometimes they’ll be even more brazen in that stuff, one backhanded compliment kind of I got was ” You know what dude. It’s actually pretty chill that your vanilla, you are not rich or attractive enough for fetish bro” I’m kind of sick of it TBH but I haven’t told them I’m sick of it cuz honestly, I kind of want to see the shock on their faces when vanilla autistic dude has probably one of the best relationships with (absolutely no hate towards anyone) the prettiest gf out of all of them.

Context over.

Fast forward to yesterday, and well, I work retail and I was scheduled on Black Friday. It wasn’t as bad as other years but man it was just not great in the slightest. I was feeling pretty down, but then Gabby texted me; I swear to God when I say talking to her genuinely makes my day better, I am not lying. Anyway, it was just a pretty normal chill conversation, talking about what we did that day, what team we were rooting for in the world cup, and not going to lie, We did give each other a little bit of shit for it (because I’m supporting France which is kind of basic but it works and she supports Argentina which got booted but we’re not going to talk about that) And we also talked about our future dreams and aspirations and honestly I think at some point we floated the idea around of maybe one day fuckin around and buying a house together. We are honestly so transparent with each other and we’ll talk about anything which I love…. Except for one topic we haven’t really touched on just because we haven’t

Fetish/kink/what we’re into in bed

Now I am extremely vanilla. Part of that is again autism ; If you were to see me on the streets and actually interact with me, you’d think I’m neurotypical but that’s because I’ve had to work my entire life to make myself sociable and friendly, and not to my own horn. But I think I got the sociable and platonic friendship stuff down, but that took years and years and actual decades of trying to deeply understand the entire process, and sex is even more complicated than that I’m trying granted but it’s not going as well, But I feel like I’m making progress in understanding that So that’s good. Fetish,Yeah you need to be able to change head spaces and that is just literally not possible for me to do like I’ve tried to get into any and all that I could find that didn’t immediately make me want to vomit. And I found out that I’m not into any fetishes, I’ll try light kinkiness but that’s it, And honestly I am scared shitless I mean like actually scared about bringing that up, not cuz I don’t want to make her happy in every single way possible. I absolutely do and I feel like I would gladly dedicate the entirety of my life to doing such, but I’m so so so so scared that I’m going to tell her this and she’s just going to not want to fuck with me anymore. Like she’s going to think I’m boring and a prude and stuck up. Meeting her was genuinely one of the best things to ever happen to me,not even a contest, and I don’t want to mess anything up. I don’t know what to do and I admit, I’ve lashed out a bit on Reddit,specifically because I have tried to get answers there (Guess technically I still am lol) And I’ve honestly gotten nothing great out of it. There were a few comments, just saying don’t worry about it and just do whatever she likes. But most of them were genuinely shaming me for being vanilla, and it’s not just me,Other people are being shamed for that too So with that and also with the fact that my friends do pick on me a bit, actually a lot, for being vanilla, I’ve started to think something’s wrong with me for that, I’ve started to think maybe I just haven’t tried enough or maybe I just haven’t learned enough or had sex at all. The last non-college centric party I went to was in October. It was a Halloween party actually, and well all of my friends decided they were going to get the three of us that have not had sex yet to cross that line, only two were able to do that, but I just refused. They looked at me like I grew a third eye or something. Just wait until they see, I haven’t shown any of those friends what she looks like or even told them about her. I couldn’t do it, now it’s just me that still has my v card, and well I don’t know if theyd tease me for that, And honestly if they do I’ll just tell them about her

TLDR. I have my first girlfriend, we haven’t talked about kinks or fetishes, And given my history with my friends and reddit, I am deathly afraid to do so. Is something wrong with me?

1 comment
  1. That was long, but I got through it. First off, your boys are dipshits. They want to pick on you for being a virgin and not being into anything kinky, yet how can you have any kinks when you’re still a virgin? I don’t mean that in a derogatory way, I just mean that having sex and experiencing that first leads to exploration with kink later. Like building blocks. You can’t have this laundry list of kinks you’re supposedly “into” before even experiencing vanilla sex. They sound like a loyal bunch of guys so hopefully they are just giving you a friendly hard time….I really want to believe they mean no harm. I can 1000% guarantee all your friends sexual experience combined isn’t half the amount of sex I’ve had and kink I’ve done and I would never throw shade at someone for being vanilla.

    Secondly, there are people in this world that value love and meaningful relations over any type of kink. Nobody has to be more than vanilla if they don’t want to. It depends on the couple. You may be concerned that you’ll be perceived at a prude by your girl, however you just have to cross that bridge when you get there. Start with the basics, my guy. Don’t rush that conversation. If she values you, then she values the relationship as it is the sex will just get better as time goes on. As you feel more comfortable sexually with a partner you may find yourself more open to suggestions. You don’t have to pick out a kink like it’s in a catalog, you work you’re way into those sort of things.

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