I’ve never had a guy actually go out of his way to talk to me or initiate conversation, so I’m curious. I’m a 24F and I’ve only had one previous relationship, and my mom introduced us to each other. I’m no longer seeing this particular guy, so I need some advice. Do guys usually wait for the girl to initiate conversation first, or do guys like to talk to the girl first?

If you DO let the girl talk to you first, if you like her how do you pursue the relationship further? What are things you do to show you’re interested?

  1. Very much depends on the guy. And almost every guy would appreciate if the woman initiated. Date selection the woman has 75% of the power, and most mens advances end in rejection.

    In other words a direct approach from the woman would be a nice change. “Hi, I’m Jen. Are you here with someone tonight? Can I buy you a drink?”. That’s it.

    If you’re interested after chatting for a bit, offer your phone number or ask for his.

  2. Most guys will see if you are at least open to talking first. You have to give him eye contact and a smile or have some introduce you.

    Some guys will hang arround you seeing if you might be interested. If you don’t give them anything to work with. A decent joe will move on quickly.

    Then you have players, creeps and Pick Up Artist wanna-bees who will walk up to you cold uninvited. It is best to avoid them.

  3. >Do guys usually wait for the girl to initiate conversation first, or do guys like to talk to the girl first?


    d) none of the above

    The guy usually talks to the girl first, but it is almost NEVER because they *like* it. It’s because “it’s never going to happen unless I *make* it happen,” and there’s always the fear of rejection, so it’s rarely” easy.”

    When a guy approaches you. there’s always the chance in his mind you might “shoot him down.” That’s a really hard stab right in the self-esteem, something many guys have a hard time with.

    So just keep in mind that someone approaching you might be getting way out of his comfort zone… so you should be honored!

    And if you reject him, thank him for his interest, and then insert whatever excuse seems to work at the moment.

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