Basically to sum up my entire life with woman, I feel like I’m an attractive 18 year old dude and that im supposed to be getting some woman but that just isnt the case. I really dont have any confidence at all but just recently when I started looking at months old photos of myself, I realised that I was way more attractive than I thought I was. But the thing that contradicts this entire opinion I seem to have is that i just dont get any attention from woman at all.

I really dont know if I’m being delusional or if theres just some big red flag that I dont see that keep woman away from me. The only thing that I can think of is that I have a resting bitch face and that I’m a bit insecure, which can be pretty visible with how I act and move. Other than that I don’t got a fucking clue and it’s really getting to me if im gonna be straight up about it.

Having a life without woman giving you any sort of attention can be pretty dull at times but I am by no means giving up, I just want to figure out what the fuck is wrong with me so I can improve myself for the better.

1 comment
  1. No woman gives you attention? Are you absolutely sure about this? Because I’m average looking and even I get attention. It may be that women are looking but being discreet because they don’t know how to approach and well, it’s not usually how things work.

    You can always try the eye contact challenge. Instead of waiting around for attention, look around and find a woman who looks attractive to you. She’ll feel you looking, make eye contact, look down and away, then look back and, more often than not, smile. Then hold her gaze—resist the urge to look away—and smile back. If she doesn’t smile back then forget about it and move on with your day. It’s fine.

    This is an art because you have to learn the proper timing. You don’t want to stare because that will scare a woman off. She will likely think you’re a weirdo or a creep.

    I suppose you can time it about right if she looks back and smiles. Look at her long enough to say the word hello. That should be long enough. When you master this, you can look into doing cold approaches.

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