My fellow men, I was at the bar last weekend talking to a pretty girl, got her a drink and she just left. I am capable of having a normal conversation with women but trying to flirt at the bar is not my cup of tea. What do you say to women at the bar? What kind of conversations do you have? Please give me some insight into your conversations you have had in the past so that I can up my game.

  1. So , i rarely ever buy a girl i didn’t know drinks , cuz most of the girls that approach you during a bar just wants the drinks man , i never approach first they always start the conversation but if you want to know if she is using you or not , look at the body language , if she is talking to you but her body says i want to leave, then wish her a good evening and go back to your drink …

  2. “Any exciting plans tomorrow/this weekend?” If she starts talking to you, introduce yourself and go from there. You want to start by giving her a chance to talk about herself and what she likes.

  3. First of all, what were you hoping to accomplish or the end result you were hoping for with the chick?

    And just FYI, buying them a drink almost never gets you anywhere with them.

  4. You gotta start with a good pickup line. My favorite is. Girl did you just queen? Because you blew me away.

  5. Stuff like that happens. You talk, enjoy your time, laugh, one person leaves and nobody gave their number.

    Don’t see it as a failure, you still enjoyed your time spent that night. Right?

  6. I have never been to a bar. But I’m pretty sure I would flop at any attempt to flirt with a girl. My advice is be more rich.

  7. I make jokes, ask what they think of the music, that sort of thing.

    I wait until she’s committed a decent amount of time before offering a drink.

  8. Nothing. You talk to women at much better venues than a bar. Go somewhere more specific to your likes.

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