Wow. I can’t believe this has happened. I posted about this a couple days ago. A woman who’s in my college classes and I have to work on this project together where we need to work on it at the college campus. Last week we had a nice time together and we made plans the next time we rehearsed to have some coffee afterwards.

Last night I texted her the time I reserved a room in the campus for and what room number it was and that I would see her then. Zero response. Been over 24 hours. Wow. Not even a thumbs up or acknowledgement of my message. She simply seems not to care. And it really disappoints me since I thought maybe this woman was hope for a new person in my life after a nasty and devastating breakup that happened to me back in July.

I just feel awful and rejected. Should I even show up tomorrow?

TL;DR: Woman ghosted me. Should I ghost as well and not follow through with our plans?

  1. Seems like she’s not interested in being anything more than classmates with you.

    It happens, just be cool about it.

    If you’re assigned to a group project together make sure she does her portion otherwise just let it go.

    Trust me being upset or snarky about it will only hurt you in the long run

  2. You expected that your assigned partner for a group project for school would instantly become your girlfriend? Is that really a reasonable expectation for you to have?

    It’s unclear to me how much notice you gave her of when you’d reserved the room. She might have already had other plans for that time and been unable to come. If you’re in the US, she was probably visiting her family for thanksgiving.

  3. Being paired up for classwork and hitting it off romantically are two entirely different things. She prolly ghosted because she didn’t wanna have to deal with you flirting with her when y’all should instead be focusing on the task at hand. If I was paired up with someone for a class project and they started treating it like a date, I’d ghost them too! As you mature, you’ll encounter many females who will exist in a non-romantic capacity in your life, your task will be discerning between a friendly female and a romantically interested female. I understand you have a lot of hormones raging in your body but really really try to not to see every woman you meet as potential wifey. It’ll save you a lot of heartache if you avoid trying to cuff every woman who stumbles into your life. Let things happen naturally. You got this

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