Those who know; they know just how exhausting it can be to live with. A mother that, when you are in sight, gives you a barrage of what they think is useful advice, try to do things for you, jump to conclusions as to what you need or feel. And when these savior delusions cause enough friction, things turn sour and the two people start taking turns being the victim and the perpetrator/”deliverer of truth”.

One common thing that’s said is to just _ignore them_. But it’s hard to ignore someone who is in your face and using guilt tactics to get you to do things their way, because they are such a perfect being from the heavens that they genuinely believe they have all the answers.

What are some things you have done to manage this, and what happened?

1 comment
  1. One thing that may help is to say “thank you, I can see that you really care and are trying to help, but I need to do this my way and make my own mistakes”

    Over and over again.

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