What is on your bucket list?

  1. Spending one winter in a forest just myself and the mother nature. It seem to difficult to me but iwish i could do it someday.

  2. Attend a Marilyn Manson concert.

    Attend a NIИ concert.

    Attend a Rammstein concert.

    Attend a 3TƎETH concert.

    Read every Stephen King book.

    Become fluent in German.

    I think that’s about it.

  3. Sadly I have no bucket list. There really isn’t anything I feel I need to do before I die. I’m not really an “experiences” kind of guy.

  4. Have at least something resembling social skills, stop anxiety, stop depression, get a life, go fishing.

  5. * Motorcycle through Italy
    * Own a Delorean
    * Restore a house
    * Teach someone a skill they’ll value
    * Be part of a (IRL) community
    * Win an award/recognition for something I’ve achieved

  6. – Start my own private military company
    – Assist a separatist/unrecognized state in becoming formally recognized
    – Travel to +85 countries
    – Live for ~6 months (or more) on each continent
    – Have 2-3 kids
    – Get cybernetic implants as I age
    – Organize a political party that gets +25% of the vote for at least 10 years
    – Have 5 dogs or more at some point when older
    – Hike the Alps, Carpathian mountains etc.
    – See the Aurora Borealis/Northern Lights

  7. I have only one goal in life. To not die in the fetal position.

    I don’t have a bucket list as anything i want is unattainable.

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